human rights watch

söndag 7 juni 2020

The Tehran regime is now months away from building a nuclear bomb, and Dr. Oli Heinonen, former deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, believes that the Iranian regime has enough components to build nuclear weapons.

The Tehran regime is now months away from building a nuclear bomb, and Dr. Oli Heinonen, former deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, believes that the Iranian regime has enough components to build nuclear weapons.

IAEA: Tehran completely violates nuclear agreement
The Iranian regime today violates all its obligations under the nuclear agreement. It writes the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in a secret report it sent to Member States and seen by the US News Agency Associated Press (AP).

The regime continues to enrich uranium to a purity of 4.5%, which is just over the permitted limit of 3.6% under the nuclear agreement. The Tehran regime's stock of low-enriched uranium now amounts to 1.73 tonnes well above what is allowed (about 203 kg) during the 2015 agreement with the world powers, according to the IAEA report, AP reports on Friday.

The Iranian regime also refuses to cooperate with the IAEA on two out of three sites identified by the UN agency in March for inspection. The IAEA suspects that Tehran has stored and used undeclared nuclear material or conducted nuclear technology-related activities at these sites without declaring them to international inspectors.

Iranian regime removed traces of nuclear activity
The nuclear activities at all three sites date from the beginning of the 21st century, reports AP. In its report, the IAEA says that one of the sites had undergone "extensive remediation and leveling" in 2003 and 2004 and that there is no value in inspecting the site.

The IAEA says the Iranian regime has blocked its access to the other two sites for more than four months. Plant at one of the sites was partially demolished in 2004, according to the IAEA report. At the second site, the IAEA has observed operations from July 2019 onwards, "which it can describe as an attempt to decontaminate" the facility.

The UN agency adds that the Tehran regime has also not been willing to cooperate and engage in significant discussions with the IAEA to answer questions about possible undeclared nuclear material and possible nuclear activities for almost a year.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said last week that the US "is withdrawing the sanctions exemptions against Iran that have so far allowed companies from the countries that are still part of the nuclear agreement to operate in the country." It reported Svt citing a statement from Pompeo on May 27.

"Iran is taking small but definite steps to increase the enrichment rate of uranium," Pompeo said.

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