We who work with human rights web wish you all a happy new year, we hope that next year will be a free year for all humanity to be able to live in peace without Corona virus or terrorism
A spokesperson for the Houthi rebels in Yemen claimed overnight Tuesday that the rebels attacked the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier.
He also...
We who work with human rights web wish you all a happy new year, we hope that next year will be a free year for all humanity to be able to live in peace without Corona virus or terrorism
Lie and assassinations in Iraq under the supervision of Shahlai.
Iran is involved in Iraq.
Shahlai is blacklisted by the United States
In September 2008, the US government designated Abdolreza Shahlai as one of the masterminds of a "very complex operation" in Iraq that killed five US soldiers in December 2006, and placed him on its sanctions list.
An American and British force at Baghdad airport prevents Iranian mafias from establishing a memorial to the engineer Qassem the terrorist and Abu Mahdi the terrorist Kabab
Following the pressure on female political prisoners in Iranian prisons, Leila Hosseinzadeh was once again transferred to Adelabad Prison in Shiraz.
zeinab jalalian life in danger no one knows where she is in one of Iranian terrorist mullahn regime's prisons
She was banned from contacting family because we call on every human organization, especially amnesia international, to demand the Iranian regime to provide information on zenab's health
A woman whom the Iranian regime also fears in prison; Unaware of Zeinab Jalalian, 512 days passed
Dieser iranische Agent versuchte über das Clubhaus, andere anzulügen und machte verächtliche Gastgeber.
Er nennt sich Hedi via clubhouse ist eines der iranischen qudes-geheimen Mitglieder
Dieser Geheimdienstagent und reuige Söldner im Clubhaus hat uns persönlich verleumdet. Der Geheimdienstagent und jeder, der Informationen über diesen Söldner hat, bitte stellen Sie uns diese zur Verfügung. Dieser Geheimdienstagent ist Mitglied einer Partei, die möglicherweise zu diesen Leuten gehört. Wer ging zur Botschaft des religiösen faschistischen Regimes und bereute.diese Person verteidigt mehr diejenigen, die in den 80er und 90er Jahren qeyade mwaqat gearbeitet haben, die mit dem Regime gegen die Gegner des Regimes kollaboriert haben, und schreibt, um die pkk ständig anzugreifen und ich habe niemanden mit pkk zu tun, der in der türkei kämpft und wein kämpft für einen freien iran wir haben niemanden mit der pkk zu tun, weil wir probleme mit dem religiösen diktatorischen Regime haben. Er lügt die ganze Zeit, weil er bei Barzani und Türken gemietet hat .
Ich weiß nicht, ob er ein sunnitischer Muslim ist und versucht, Erdogan zu verteidigen?
oder er zeigt, dass er gegen das iranische Regime ist o, jemand würde seine Partei kritisieren, wenn er darauf hingewiesen wird, dass sie vom Regime kommt. aber er vergisst, dass seine Parteimitglieder ins iranische Amabassden gehen und iranische Pässe haben
This Iranian agent via clubhouse tried to lie to others and made contemptuous host members.
He calls himself Hedi via clubhouse is one of Iranian qudes secret members.
This intelligence agent and repentant mercenary in the clubhouse has slandered us personally. The intelligence agent and anyone who has information about this mercenary, please provide it to us. This intelligence agent is a member of a party that may be one of those people Who went to the embassy of the religious fascist regime and repented..this person defends more those who worked qeyade mwaqat in the 80s and to 90s who collaborated with the regime against the regime's opponents, and writes to constantly attack pkk he does not write directly against the regime because he is a paid hired person I am not pkk and I have no one to do with the pkk because we have problems with the Iranian religious dictatorial regime. He's lying all the time 'because he rented from barzani and turkish M: I: T in the whole letter I read in the two web pages he tried to link prank with the regime, but he forgets that his party sleeps in kojy and eats kebabs.
I do not know is he a Sunni Muslim and trying to defend Erdogan?
or he show that he is against the Iranian regime o, someone would criticize his party when he is pointed out that it comes from the regime. but he forgets that his party members go to Iranian amabassden and have Iranian passports
Leila Hosseinzadeh transferred to the detention center of the Ministry of Terrorism Intelligence / Her life is in danger.
The lawyer of a political prisoner reported that he had been beaten while being transferred to the detention center of the Ministry of Intelligence in Ward 209 of Evin Prison and that he was not allowed access to his vital medicines.
The death sentence of Haidar Ghorbani was carried out secretly
The death sentence of Haidar Ghorbani was carried out secretly in Sanandaj Central Prison.
A source revealed that hassan naserallh the Lebanese Hezbullah terrorist group leader uses cocaine every day ..Hassan khreis allah with qassem soleimani both used cocaine every time hassan terrorist meeting qasem terrorist
On 26 November 2021, WHO designated the variant B.1.1.529 a variant of concern, named Omicron, on the advice of WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Virus Evolution (TAG-VE). This decision was based on the evidence presented to the TAG-VE that Omicron has several mutations that may have an impact on how it behaves, for example, on how easily it spreads or the severity of illness it causes. Here is a summary of what is currently known.
if she is not Iranian agent how would come and photograph me then walk out of the library movie proof with red jacket and colored hair dark light. We have said that there are many Iranian agents in Sweden who received support from the Iranian intelligence service to be able to go to universities and get something then become employed via the social services and other authorities in Sweden as well as other EU countries.
Iranian regime trained mercenaries and sent to the EU 60% of them are female agents many of them female agents have got jobs in Swedish important authorities
Then those female agents used laws and regulations against us who work with the opposition.
They are in fact a trained Iranian terror regime's agents in European countries
Immediate news targeted unidentified fighters in Natanz and inflicted heavy damage on the regime's nuclear facility in Natanz. Local witnesses reported bright light in the sky of Natanz. Natanz air defense has been activated and wait for additional news.
The IRGC missile shield network was destroyed in Badrud and was attacked by unidentified drones and completely destroyed.
The mullahs' regime's lying media resorted to lying to deceive public opinion as if nothing had happened
nuclear weapons discussion in vienna many diplomats dissatisfied with the discussion with iranian regime.
The Iranian regime sent more than 40 people to Austria to discuss Barjam 5 + 1 The Israeli Prime Minister also warned the outside world about the Iranian regime and Barjam.
The terrorist forces of the murderous mullahs regime took over the protesting people of Isfahan with a crane..The fifth day of the strike of more than 2,000 workers of the Sungun Varzeqan copper complex #khamenei_traitor_and_terrorist
I had promised to make a police orgasme cartoon of my guidance, now I have made the first part of it.
Do not miss the caricature iranian crazy mullahs orgasme police..Ibrahim Raisi, the deputy of the murderous terrorist, had said that semen, the lust of men, should not be expelled
Iran intends to carry out the death sentence against Al-Ahwazi Habib Al-Kaabi, who was kidnapped from Turkey with the cooperation of intelligence from three regional countries. He is a Swedish citizen of Ahwazi origin. Contribute to the hashtag #No_to_execute_Habib in order to save his life.پ
The UN representative in Iraq met with the Iraqi terrorist Qais Khazali, which can be seen in the video, so does the UN also deal with terrorists? It is a shame to meet the terrorist who claimed responsibility for the deadly attack on the embassies and airports of Erbil, Baghdad and the international forces.
khamenei's supporting terrorists committed for crimes against humanity in isfahan against them Protestant peasants. Khamenei's terrorists fired on civilians, killing several people.
The repressive terrorists of the police terrorist regime set fire to the tents in Khajoo Bridge this morning. The repressive forces of the Islamic Republic attacked the protesting farmers of Asghan at night, set fire to the tents of the protesters in Isfahan, cleared the protest site with loaders, and attacked with batons and tear gas. This is the answer to the peaceful protests of the hardworking farmers of Isfahan
soon you can see a social liberal democracy in germany with those good people
I believe that with the election of Mr. Olaf Scholz as Chancellor of Germany, real democracy will return to Germany. news news 1 looking here
The German Green Party, in particular, which has a motivation for democracy and justice, is the most important thing that will make Germany the deadliest, freest and most democratic country in Europe in the future. Three German parties have reached a deal to form a new government that will end the era of longtime Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to Olaf Scholz, who is poised to replace her.
If Masoud Barzani is not lying then he should expose all those behind the people smuggling who work with him in his party. one person called himself rezgar, we interviewed dozens of people will soon be published from the Iraqi Kurdistan they were revealed that barzani's family are themselves refugee smugglers.
ISIL Khomeini regime massacres young people Arman Abdul Ali was executed today in Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj
This is an Iranian agent who is trying to defend the Iranian war criminal Hamid nuori who committed crimes against humanity in Iran. everything that amir yahghami says is false.
Putting the Kurdistan Workers' Party on the terror list is illegal and a kind of concession to the Turkish dictator Erdogan, and it is a great injustice to the oppressed nation and a great injustice to the Kurdish nation. They betrayed the Kurdish nation.
stop violence against women. 25.11.2021 one day we would all say no to violence against women.
Today many women are abused by those who call themselves modern countries even in European countries.
mental abuse mental torture against women in different ways.
It is also counted as violence against women when a child is treated badly at school, kindergarten.
Or when a woman would get her right to live in a country, but she was not allowed to go do her 700-hour school learning was not allowed to go on a language course education, it is also a type of violence against women
Ch bt vaccine against corona is not a medicine it is a type of chip that can control you,
where you are and where you are going.
I have done tests to publish a picture that stuck 5 cents over my arm.
I vaccinated myself the second dose against corona last Saturday so when I checked today then there is a megnatic a type of control device in the body.
that means corona virus does not exist it is a political thing to be able to control the people.
as information we have received from different parts of europe many of european countries inject virus sars gaz to make people sick since they can put such chip control in the people's body under corona vaccines everything is false and anti humanity