human rights watch

söndag 16 januari 2022

It happened yesterday the big explosion in southern iran 2 the explosion in kermanshah, 1 explosion in assad abad hamadan, 3 explosion in sannadaj and 1 in ahvaz as people heard the sound of big explosions, But iranian revolutionary guard censored media wanted to hide what has happened.


It happened yesterday the big explosion in southern iran 2 the explosion in kermanshah, 1 explosion in assad abad hamadan, 3 explosion in sannadaj and 1 in ahvaz as people heard the sound of big explosions, But iranian revolutionary guard censored media wanted to hide what has happened.

Many believe those sites that were pointed at is a missile area, may have been attacked by unknown drones.

Social networks and some Iranian news sites have reported the sound of explosions in several cities in the western provinces of Iran in the first hours of Sunday, January 17th. According to unofficial reports, these voices have been heard in four provinces of Kermanshah, Kurdistan, Hamedan and Ilam.

According to Rokna news agency, a large explosion was heard in Asadabad, Hamadan, the source and cause of which are still unknown, "but in some places the sound was so loud that the doors and windows of the house shook and people were dragged out of the house."

Officials in the area have not yet commented on the source of the blasts.

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