human rights watch

måndag 25 januari 2016

good morning world, how is your day in west?

good morning world, how is your day in west? 
We guess nothing speciall, are your children in school?, so not in Eastern Turkey "silopi" see Kurdish houses after Nato Terrorist Turkish military operations.we have war because westleaders nato pay turks to kill our children.can you please tell them our children have same rights as yours.thank you.
‪#‎Kurdistan‬ ‪#‎turkeywaronkurds‬ ‪#‎natogenocidekurds‬ ‪#‎USA‬ ‪#‎whitehouse‬‪#‎joebiden‬ ‪#‎obama‬ ‪#‎germany‬ ‪#‎uk‬ ‪#‎france‬
YPS 25-01-2016

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