human rights watch

fredag 2 mars 2018

Hamid Reza Amini Political Prisoner and Family Members.

Hamid Reza Amini Political Prisoner and Family Members.
Exclusive news!
 Hamid Reza Amini life is in danger.

Hamid Reza Amini has been transferred to Evin prison illegally with the Arion Bazan on 28th day because of not communicating with the intelligence agents. This is an attempt to humiliate the political prisoner as a non-political prisoner's place of worship, and mostly traffickers and robbers are serving sentences for long periods of imprisonment. Hamid Reza Amini told prison authorities that they would not return him to Evin when they turned her over, and she twice struck a hunger strike. Mr. Amini had already been on hunger strike for six days, but prison authorities did not act on his behalf to return him to Evin.

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