human rights watch

söndag 4 mars 2018

Scenes of inferiority, baseness of Turkish fascist ideology

Scenes of inferiority, baseness of Turkish fascist ideology

AFRIN- The scenes and images brought by the Turkish occupation state and its president, the fascist Erdogan, with it, in its war against Afrin, exceeded all standards and limits of humanitarian, religious and moral.
From the first day of the Turkish occupation attacks of Afrin and so far Erdogan’s soldiers boast of killing hundreds of civilians, and spread various images and sections on social networking sites, these images show the inferiority degree that can reach the human and to what extent can become an enemy of all human, religious and moral values.
The image of “Silfie” taken by Erdogan’s soldiers, which shows a burning civilian in his car, is a clear indication of the reality of the fascist Islamic ideology of the Turkish state, and how those who promoted and propagated this ideology could be despicable and mean, and an enemy of humanity.
The model of the person of this ideology is so satisfactory that he may see the image of a coated person as a flower, as a beautiful picture of nature, so he simply captures himself with a picture and looks happy. The model of the Turkish Islamic fascist ideology is clearly embodied in the model of its psychologically ill soldiers. These and other scenes of Erdogan’s soldiers chanting “Allah Akbar” confirm that the Turkish fascist Islamic ideology led by Erdogan is no less than the savagery of Islamic ideology in IS mercenaries, the first example of a daisy in all forms of brutality is Turkish fascist Islam itself.
Erdogan’s soldiers and the practices of his soldiers reflect the true face of Erdogan’s model and ideology. Just as his soldiers pick up the pictures and are happy with the bodies of burned-out people, Erdogan shows the same joy and happiness with his soldiers, and he is happier with these “heroic” scenes of his soldiers.
What is surprising about all this is the silence of the world countries, which view the threat of IS mercenaries as a huge danger, but they do not take a stand against the threat and barbarism of the Turkish occupation, and remain silent in front of all the atrocities committed in Afrin.
However, just as the silence of the world’s nations on the brutality of IS mercenaries first, turned IS mercenaries to a great threat to these countries, their silence on the brutality of the Turkish state will in the future turn them into a threat to them. It will then have to raise its voice against this baseness.

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