human rights watch

tisdag 22 januari 2019

No thanks to Erdogan's influence! As long as the Swedish government closes their eyes on their fascist values, they will have great influence in Sweden, unfortunately !! Turkish nationalist, fascist and Islamist politics is a threat to Sweden. Racism, fascism and ultra-nationalism are no longer the reason why it has overseas roots!

No thanks to Erdogan's influence!

 As long as the Swedish government closes their eyes on their fascist values, they will have great influence in Sweden, unfortunately !!

Turkish nationalist, fascist and Islamist politics is a threat to Sweden. Racism, fascism and ultra-nationalism are no longer the reason why it has overseas roots!
If you can exclude SD because you dislike their policies, then you should also exclude political representatives who have links to Islamist and or nationalist movements!

For many years, it has been talked about threats to Sweden from foreign powers, and especially from Russia, but also countries such as China. One of the regimes that has affected Swedish politics most recent years is the Turkish one. It has done so through ethnic and religious associations in Sweden.

We must start discussing whether we should allow associations such as the Turkish National Association and the Turkish Youth Association to have influence over Swedish democratic parties. We must discuss whether we should allow people who are active in Islamist, racist or fascist associations to be active in our democratic parties.

In recent years, it has not escaped anyone that Turkey imprisoned parliamentarians, professors, students and local politicians. Turkey has the highest proportion of imprisoned journalists in the world, usually without evidence. It should be no more than a positive article in a newspaper about YPG / YPJ's struggle against the Islamic state to get a journalist imprisoned. The country no longer has any academic freedom, much less about the subject areas that concern the rights of minorities.

Is this a development Swedish parties want to see in Sweden?

Gray wolves are not any organization. It is an ultra-nationalist and neo-fascist organization. According to Turkish authorities, the movement is behind over 700 murders, of which the most famous is perhaps the attempted murder of Pope John Paul II. Turkish right-wing party MHP youth organization is Gray Vargas and the party MHP is allied with Erdogan's AKP.

In the summer of 2011, S-politician Sultan Kayhan (then youth officer in the Turkish National Association) and Sami Görgülü (the then official representative of the Gray Wars) in Gothenburg and Hasan Dölek (then president of the Turkish National Federation) arranged a highly acclaimed racist and ultra-nationalist meeting at Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm. . This summer, Keyhan was on the same dinner party as a leading representative of the Gray Wolves in Sweden. She also traveled to Kulu, Grå Vargana's strongest stronghold in Turkey together with Mikail Yüksel to campaign there before the election.

Then when will politicians hang out with groups that are a threat to democracy without there being consequences in Sweden?

On Thursday, July 30, 2015, we could see the first pro-IS demonstration in Sweden. The Turkish National Association, which had called for the demonstration, then adorned its website proudly with a black-and-white Turkish flag, as a sign of the support for IS.

At present, about 3000 violent extremists are expected to be in Sweden.

In the summer of 2016, then the Turkish National Association's Vice Chairman, Barbaros Leylani, chanted "Death of the Armenian Dogs. Death! Death! My dear fathers! We don't like blood but we can let blood flow if needed! ”During a demonstration in Stockholm.

Mikail Yüksel, former Riksdag candidate for C in Gothenburg, was a clear megaphone for Turkey's President Erdogan in Sweden. He also had frequent ties with the Gray Wolfs (Turkish: Bozkurtlar), whose views and ideology do not belong within democratic parties, ever.

In 2016, it was revealed to Mehmet Kaplan, then member of parliament for MP and member of

The Justice Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee, had links to the Gray Wars, but also had close contact with Erdogan's party in Turkey AKP, and violent extremism movements such as Millî Görüş.

Kaplan retired as a consequence of having eaten dinner in 2015 with ultranationalist Gray wolves.

When the new Minister of Culture, Amanda Lind, now praises Kaplan, one can only be shocked by the fact that Kaplan's name is mentioned in connection with words such as "democracy, equality and justice"!

It has gone too far when the insight does not occur with the decision-makers, but with us others.
These scandals have arisen for the simple reason that voices have been fished in cloudy water, and not because the parties have been naive. One has wanted to access the voices that the Turkish Youth League, the Turkish National Association and other nationalist and or Islamic organizations can provide.

Therefore, these politicians have been allowed to pursue a political career, and the parties do not take responsibility until it becomes aware of the media. S, C and MP have seen an anti-racist value outwardly, but in recent years one has emerged after the second scandal linked to ultra-nationalism, neo-fascism, anti-Semitism, homophobia and racism appeared.

In June 2018, Ekot was able to reveal that the Danish security police 2017 had information that Turkey planned politically motivated murder of opposition parties in Denmark. This was not the first time Turkey was accused of this type of operation abroad.

We would not allow party representatives to have ties to Nordic youth or the Nordic resistance movement and just as badly it is when politicians go on journeys, demonstrate, eat dinner, or have ties to Turkish nationalist and Islamist movements, and even worse, if they have ties to the Turkish parties MHP or Erdogans AKP.

Our proposals are more openness, more visibility and more consequences when democracy is subjected to threats and infiltration of undemocratic forces. We suggest that the parliamentary parties sit down and find a line in relation to Turkey and Islamists. The time is past where one could look at each other in concern about losing voter support among these groups. We live in a global world, and Swedish parties must take their own responsibility and responsibility for Sweden's democratic policy towards

citizens of society.

You need to look over if you can do as Austria where you closed seven mosques and expelled a number of Turkish imams earlier this year. You have to look over and modernize

the legislation and take after countries such as Norway and Denmark, where recruitment to violent groups can lead to long prison sentences. See, for example, Norwegian Islamist Ubaydullah Hussain who was sentenced to nine years in prison for recruitment to the terrorist group IS.

If Sweden is serious about everyone's equal value and being a democratic country and a humanistic country, then one must fight all organizations that have links to the Muslim Brotherhood (when the Turkish regime supports them) and organizations that lobby for totalitarian regimes such as the Turkish, and ban foreign as Swedish financing of these.

Sweden's politicians must do what is required to show that parallel societies, ultranationalism, political Islam and radicalization have no place in our society, and one can start by clearing in front of their own door. Repeat and do justice to the name of democracy. Nothing else can be accepted!

The Government Declaration states that "In several countries, forces with an anti-democratic agenda have reached all the way to the government", but the words also so in Sweden fell away, racism is always shit, Löfven once said, but it is also fascism. The party's outgoing party secretary and newly appointed Minister of Culture and Democracy, Amanda Lind writes that Kaplan is a hero. A friend of Erdogans AKP, Milli Görüs, Iskenderpasa cemaati, Muslim Brotherhood, Ship to Gaza .... But it is true that he was a pioneer Lind wrote, pioneer for Islamism in a Swedish government.

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