human rights watch

onsdag 16 januari 2019

We tell you every day abt the evil of man but there are so many people using their lives to do good. Who are great. Like this female Ezidi doctor, who dedicated her life helping the deeply traumatized women who survived daesh. via Ezidi2

We tell you every day abt the evil of man but there are so many people using their lives to do good. Who are great. Like this female Ezidi doctor, who dedicated her life helping the deeply traumatized women who survived daesh. via Ezidi2

What has not been done by the Turkish occupation in Afrin yet ?!
The Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries violate all international laws in Afrin. After forcibly evicting their families on 18 March last year, kidnappings, killings and systematic demographic changes did not stop.
ما الذي لم يفعله الاحتلال التركي في عفرين بعد؟!
تنتهك دولة الاحتلال التركي ومرتزقتها كافة القوانين الدولية في عفرين، فبعد إخراج أهلها قسراً في الـ 18 من شهر آذار من العام المنصرم، لم تتوقف حالات الخطف والقتل والتغيير الديمغرافي الممنهج.

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