human rights watch

måndag 21 januari 2019

The Swedish Government will criminalize participation in terrorist organizations. Not a day too soon!

The Swedish Government will criminalize participation in terrorist organizations. Not a day too soon!

Not a day too early but many years late! Where Morgan has obstructed anyway until the EU he took in the ear!

Which terrorist organizations? Do not think they will criminalize those who have their foundation in Islam because they are too cowardly and then they lose voices. We will guarantee the Swedish government will make law abuses against other innocent people than they would be against them the official terrorist organization that committed for crimes against humanity in Syria and Iraq.
What acts fall under the category "state terrorism" is, like "terrorism", controversial, lacking legal definition, and is often used by representatives of a state in charge of the action of other states. A terrorist state is a territorial separate political entity using violence and violence against others states.
The Swedish Government should criminalize people who participated with the terrorist organization? If it were right for those who went to Tehran and tried to cooperate with the Iranian terrorist regime, they should be brought to justice because they went to a country that supports terrorists, even having done many terrorist attacks in European countries, Berlin, Rome, Paris, Geneva Switzerland, Vienna Capital in Austria in the 90's here in Sweden, but Mr Stefan Löven went to the Iranian terrorist country and met Iranian terrorist leaders in Tehran, still we activists in Sweden are aware of how Swedish politicians press us through the employment agency and other authorities. We call it jinguli finguli. A roof and two airs, We believe there will be more business actions than would be terrorist combat.
Was the driver mentally ill or an organized terrorist? Almost ... What does terror really mean? Terror is Latin and means fear, fear.
The experts: Then it counts as terrorism
It is sometimes questioned which events are referred to as terrorism. What does terrorism really mean and who counts as a terrorist? Metro asks two terrorist researchers.
There is no common definition of the concept of terrorism and therefore the concept of terrorist in the world. Each country defines terrorism based on its own interests. However, the EU member states have agreed on a common definition of terrorist offenses. This definition has also been introduced in Swedish law.

- One should want to scare someone not to make political decisions in order to fulfill political goals, concludes Hans Brun, terrorist researcher at King's College in London.

There are three criteria for achieving the EU and Sweden's definition of terrorist offenses. It is documents that can seriously damage a state or intergovernmental organization if they are intended to:
1. Serve serious fear of a population or population group
2. Forcing public bodies or an intergovernmental organization to take or refrain from taking action
3. Destabilize or destroy basic political, constitutional, economic or social structures, according to the Security Service and the Swedish Constitution Assembly.

► READ MORE: Expert: That's why you hear more about the death in Brussels than other similar attacks

One does not have to be part of a terrorist-stamped network to count as a terrorist. Anders Breivik, who killed 67 people in Norway in 2013 and was sentenced for mass murder and terrorist crimes, is an example of a new form of terrorist, a lone terrorist, explains the terrorist researcher Hans Brun.

- He is an expression of the new, solitary terrorist. The loneliness that causes great damage. He had a manifesto that shows that he acted on the basis of ideology - it cannot be much clearer than that, says terrorist researcher Hans Brun.

► READ MORE: Previously great terrorist acts that shook the world

At the school attack in Trollhättan, several talked about the incident as a terrorist crime, because the perpetrator should have chosen their victims after skin color. Magnus Ranstorp thought that it would be defined as a terrorist crime, when he considered the act contained aspects that could lie within the framework of terrorism, but the police instead called it a racist hate crime.

- In Sweden, we have not had many convictions in terrorist trials. When we passed the law, it meant higher evidence that it would be classified as a terrorist crime. There is a lot that should sue exat in, says Magnus Ranstorp.

By the murder of IKEA, where an asylum seeker was cut down and killed a mother and her son, however, there was no political purpose whatsoever and it was no crime of terror.

- The offender wanted to gain his own benefits - it is a difference between self-gain and political motives, explains Magnus Ranstorp.

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