human rights watch

måndag 28 januari 2019

Still the Turks call the Kurdish people dead bodies, even we have heard well on our ears several times in Germany and also in Sweden.

Still the Turks call the Kurdish people dead bodies, even we have heard well on our ears several times in Germany and also in Sweden.

One is asked why pkk organized itself 'is it voluntary? no i do not think when became military coup in 1980 when no kurds could speak kurdish anyone who would speak kurdish prisoners and tortured by turkish police, even kurdish clothes banned all kurdish associations suspended, those turkish soldiers shot kurdish kids in the streets, many kurdish girls were raped by Turkish soldiers and Turkish nationalists, they sought houses by house and shot Kurdish women and men.
When no leader had any other choice they were forced to argue against the Turkish barbaric regime.
Ismail Beskci told us that the Kurds had no better choice they were forced to arm.
Since then, it has tried several times this year to get peace with Turkey, but the Turkish regime did not want to answer with war and bombing.
Unfortunately, it is seen that the Turkish regime has a bloody history both against the Kurdish people and against Christians, those Turkish politicians will never change them as they continue to make new massacres against the people of the area,
I want to ask you do you know why is today available? why not organized and armed against turkey? , if turkey today get a real democracy in turkey everyone would be right then no automatic disappear and itself will be of the armed what is present is not really neutral, what the Turks have done to the kurdish people it happened the same thing in germany against the Jews from the Nazis. You can go and search for the Turkish crime against humanity as you can come and describe.
Turkey wants to join the EU then Turkey should respect the whole EU law and rules then if Turkey become the same system as Germany when automatically disappears and by the armed self, many times the leaders have said whether Turkey would acquire a system that Germany will have them armed without any requirement. Turkey does not want to change and adhere to global humanity, still those Turks teach their children they are better than any other nation, the Turks are the best nation in the whole world, the Turks are close to God it is one of Turkish lessons. Another lesson with the Turks for their children. The Armenian people are dirty people, the Kurdish people are dirty people, I heard that when going to Germany and my cousin's neighbor was a Turkish.
The Kurds have not said that they would decide in Turkey, they want their rights, if a kurd would talk about the racist things Turkey does against Kurds when Turkish regime is stamped with Kurdish activists. You mix Sweden with turkey, or compare Sweden with turkey it is unfair I who have read and studied about democracy it is violations to compare turkey with Sweden the same comparing nazi ,, so how to compare turkey today with the nazis it is well right

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