We have two different dictatorial systems one that we call physical dictators and another we call psychic dictators here through the employment office use psychic dictators .. And discrimination in Sweden against people with foreign background we the labor market.
The problem today in Sweden that the politicians have no better project so to get jobs for everyone, the employment agency is deteriorating does not want to help the people to get work. today in Sweden if you do not get okay from the employment office then you can never get a job or any employer will never hire anyone if the employment office do not give okay .. A person with foreign background sought direct job from an employer he could be recorded all the conversation, The man presented say to the employer, Then Hi my name is a, d, I saw you advertised so you need more people? employer yes we did, do you have a manager at the employment office? man yes I have, Employer what is your manager at the employment office can i get her, his name and phone number? The man who is a job seeker. Yes, it's her name and phone number. I have a question why do you ask for my manager's name and phone number? Employer: we do not accept people before we should contact the employment office, we must contact your supervisor how you are how you can work well you are the person we are looking for, so we always contact the manager at the employment office before we decide so that hire someone, we just hire the Swedes without contacting the employment office. ,, it means that in Sweden everything is under control and you can not get work if the employment agency does not give okay .. the employer has told job seekers we do not give a job to anyone if the employment agency would say no we say the same no to employment., if the employment office said yes we say yes to employment. When we employers in Sweden always listen to the employment office and we have close cooperation for that.
Same thing I heard in Karlstad in 2013 An employer has told me the same thing, I have video anytime I can be published or what journalists want to ask about the video I can give journalists, We had a meeting in zakrisdal in karlstad, employers told me we employ one of 2 people with immigrant backgrounds, we have already hired one person with immigrant background, and we will not hire you, and others with immigrant backgrounds.
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