human rights watch

fredag 8 maj 2020

The 2018 movie Operation Ragnarok shows the weather of the Swedish days in Sweden.

The 2018 movie Operation Ragnarok shows the weather of the Swedish days in Sweden. The story of this film challenges the viralization of southern Sweden, where the city is completely quarantined after the outbreak of the disease, and then Iranians and Swedes have to try to survive, but eventually Iranians are killed by the Swedes.

The film deals with various topics such as
مختلفDifferent views of Swedes on immigrants and Muslims
تنهاThe only service jobs for most immigrants, even with excellent qualifications in Sweden
◾️The secrecy of the Swedish authorities and the insignificance of the people in times of crisis and so on.

Films generally reflect the real culture of that society, although the film is a bit weak in terms of special effects and storytelling, but it well illustrates the realities of the lives of immigrants and the real face of the Swedes in times of chaos. The language of this film is Swedish and it is recommended for newcomers to get acquainted with the language and culture of this country.

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