human rights watch

fredag 15 oktober 2021

Ali Khamenei gave words to the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah so that it could take control of Lebanon, within revolting against the Lebanese government, within which there are several Iranian revolutionary guards in Beirut who took part in the revolts against the Lebanese government


Ali Khamenei gave words to the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah so that it could take control of Lebanon, within revolting against the Lebanese government, within which there are several Iranian revolutionary guards in Beirut who took part in the revolts against the Lebanese government.

Military reinforcements for the terrorist Hezbollah militia in the streets of Beirut۰ What is the purpose of the mullahs' regime of these actions?
After the disclosure of Hezbollah's involvement in the port explosion Nasrallah is making the situation in Lebanon tense in implementation of the orders of his master Khamenei

ألقى علي خامنئي كلمات لجماعة حزب الله اللبنانية الإرهابية حتى تتمكن من السيطرة على لبنان ، ضمن ثورة ضد الحكومة اللبنانية ، والتي يشارك فيها عدد من الحرس الثوري الإيراني في بيروت ، الذين شاركوا في الانتفاضات ضد الحكومة اللبنانية.

تعزیزات عسکریة لمیلیشیا حزب الشیطان في الشوارع بیروت.. ما هو هدف نظام الملالي من هذه الأعمال؟
بعد الکشف عن تورط حزب الشیطان في انفجار المرفأ، نصرالله یوتر الوضع في لبنان تنفیذا لاوامر سیده خامنئي

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