human rights watch

måndag 11 augusti 2014

Islamic terror organization isis yesterday occupied Jalawla Kurdish town near Khanaqin

Islamic terror organization isis yesterday occupied Jalawla Kurdish town near Khanaqin.
yesterday Shingal today Jalawla, We CALL on the outside world for quick help today Kurdish people need help many women and children are being killed by Islamic extreme sites on the terror organization isis.
in arabic ronahitv


ISIS gangs occupy Jalawla

Gangs affiliated to human enemy jihadist groups calling themselves Islamic State (IS) have reportedly occupied the town of Jalawla in Xaneqin city of South Kurdistan.
According to a report AFP grounded on security sources, ISIS gangs have taken the flashpoint Kurdish town of Jalawla early Monday morning.

Two separate sources said 10 peshmerga have died and 80 others have been wounded in clashes going on for the last two days.
YNK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) Press Office PUKMedia has also reported that ISIS gangs have started to plunder and bomb the Kurdish town today. According to reports, gangs have raided a bank and destroyed the Huseni mosque and the bridge between Kelar and Jalawla.
PUKMedia reported that peshmerga forces were preparing to take the town back.
In a statement on 14 June, Kurdish forces said they had taken control of Jalawla, after the occupation of Mosul by ISIS gangs on 10 June.
ISIS gangs have been launching attacks on South Kurdistan and committing massacres and crimes against the people since early August.
HPG and YPG forces rushed to the front to defend the Kurdish people and lands against the gangs that occupied Sinjar on 3 August.
As fierce clashes in Sinjar continue, Defence Units of Maxmur recaptured the town of Maxmur and surrounding villages from ISIS gangs following a counter attack on 10 August.

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