human rights watch

måndag 1 januari 2018

stop censorship in Iran..Iranian religious dictatorial censorship regime has blocked instagram, telegram and other social media in Iran. this means that the Iranian religious fascist regime wants to purge genocide against the Iranian people ... because we urge the world for help the Iranian people are in danger. yesterday hezbullah with Iraqi Shia Isi's terrorist hashd al Shaabi sent more than three thousand terrorists to help Iran's regime against the Iranian people

stop censorship in Iran..Iranian religious dictatorial censorship regime has blocked instagram, telegram and other social media in Iran. this means that the Iranian religious fascist regime wants to purge genocide against the Iranian people ... because we urge the world for help the Iranian people are in danger. yesterday hezbullah with Iraqi Shia Isi's terrorist hashd al Shaabi sent more than three thousand terrorists to help Iran's regime against the Iranian people

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