human rights watch

torsdag 5 april 2018

Iranian criminal religious Islamic regime committed for crimes against humanity in Iran Ali Amini, Remains in Detention for Being a Christian

Iranian criminal religious Islamic regime committed for crimes against humanity in Iran
Ali Amini, Remains in Detention for Being a Christian

 Ali Amini, a new Christian convert from Tabriz, was arrested several days before the New Year by the Tabriz Intelligence Office. After being interrogated, he was taken to the Tabriz Prison. After a month, he still remains in jail as a temporary detention.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Ali Amini, a new Christian convert from Tabriz city, who had been arrested before the New Year, is still being held in Tabriz Central Prison.
This detainee, who was arrested by Tabriz Intelligence agents, just a few days before New Year’s Eve, after a few days of interrogation at the solitary confinement in the Intelligence Office was transferred to the Tabriz Central Prison.
Mr. Amini is currently being held in Tabriz Central prison.
Ali Amini converted to Christianity before the revolution of 1978 and has been arrested, tried and imprisoned several times after the Islamic Republic came to power; he is currently the owner of an old pastry in Tabriz.
It should be noted that although according to the law, Christians are recognized as religious minority in Iran, the security system is still pursuing the issue of converting Muslims to Christianity with particular sensitivity and violent manner.
HRANA News Agency

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