human rights watch

söndag 8 april 2018

Syrian-Russian-Turkish commodity exchange market

Syrian-Russian-Turkish commodity exchange market
Swaps between the Russians and Turkey at the expense of the so-called opposition gangs, and the Syrian people, which led to the occupation of Turkey to Syrian territory, and Afrin was part of these trade-offs where it turned from the safe area to a bloody area.

ALEPPO/ First Exchange
The date of 31 December is a time of great importance to Syrians, a date that the Syrians cannot forget a black history of Syrian people, which at the time started Turkish occupation government and Russian regime to sell Syria to each other. Russia, which is opposed to the radical Islamic movements and Turkey, which is headed by the Justice and Development Party and emanates from the Islamic Virtue Party, which evades a vague creation in front of world and regional public opinion about its Islamic position, has turned from Syrian geography into a space for settling accounts and selling Syrian territories to one another in line with their personal interests at the expense of Syrian blood.
The Russian side, which is currently leading Syrian regime and Turkish occupation state that heads terrorism, agreed on Aleppo deal as a first step to start Syria's offer to sell deals, the Russian rapprochement resulted after a reconciliation between Putin and Erdogan following the downing of a Russian aircraft by Turkish Air Force on November 24, November 16, 2015, a new deal, with the tacit approval of Damascus, includes the entry of Turkish as the last international warrior against IS mercenaries in north-eastern countryside of Aleppo.
Turkey, which leads the terrorism, it was easy to lead a war against mercenary gangs because these gangs were operating under the direction of Turkish intelligence and under the direct leadership of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey intervened to some Syrian areas easily by changing banners and dress and al-Bab and Jarablus and Azaz witness to that.
The first steps taken by the Turkish government to appease the Russians after its plane was shot down and the Russians agreed to enter North Syria, Aleppo city was handed over to the regime's forces after the Turkish government demanded that the mercenaries calling themselves "the Free Army" through a non-public agreement to leave Aleppo without any resistance.
In order to persuade its entry into North Syria after the withdrawal of the mercenary gangs from Aleppo, Turkish State, in coordination with Russians, painted and changed the banners and formed another mercenary group called the Euphrates Shield. Turkey, with the help of these mercenaries, occupied an area of ​​2,200 square kilometers of Syrian territory in the northeast of Aleppo, where the Turkish operation on the outskirts of Aleppo is a change of flags of IS mercenaries’ flags to the Euphrates shield mercenaries.
The first beneficiary of this deal was Russia, as it seeks to undermine the factions of the so-called "Free Army" in Aleppo and control them when it wants to control any area and with the help of Turkish occupation in a move to end these groups.
Astana/ 2nd Exchange:
This time Turkey came back through a tripartite agreement with Russian and Iranian systems in Astana, where the Iranians had little benefit, the three parties agreed to declare areas called "easing the escalation of hostilities" in May 2017 over the entire Syrian geography, the fourth Astana is opened the way to wage war on the largest faction in Syria which is the terrorist IS mercenaries, the regime will triumph over the Syrian Badia through the agreement between the Russian and Turkish regimes. Turkey, in turn, asked IS mercenaries to hand over these areas to the regime's forces without resistance, the first objectives of the three parties to the agreement will not be achieved. 
The Iranian side, which is trying to declare the Shiite crescent and open a road linking Tehran to Beirut through Baghdad and Damascus, used the Lebanese Hezbollah to do so, but the Iranian regime was not able to achieve its goal because Syrian Democratic Forces and in cooperation with the international alliance liberated many of these areas, al-Raqqa, which was a blow to the Iranian goal.
Afrin - Eastern Gouta/ 3rd exchange
The third deal is not the destination of the terrorist IS mercenaries, nor the radical Islamic movements, Turkey is heading towards the new Ottoman, does not want to incite the local public opinion, a clear anti-Islam, not an Islamic enemy of Turkey, but one enemy is clear as it said they are the Kurds, the term "terrorist" was attached to People and Women Protection Units and the Democratic Autonomous Administration that runs North Syria cities.
(YPG, YPJ) were viewed by the whole world as units fighting on behalf of all the countries of the world against the terrorist mercenaries that adopt Islam religion as pretext to carry out its terrorist operations in the area and gain the Muslim world accuse Turkey of terrorism, everyone knows that without (YPG, YPJ), the terrorist groups are still on the door of Tel Koçer or Amouda or Sere Kaniya and even Kobani and Girê Sipî.
After all attempts by Turkey to find pretexts to attack the liberated areas of the People and Women Protection Units failed, it provoked direct provocation at the border by targeting fighters of (YPG, YPJ) guarding the border between Rojava and Bakur Kurdistan (northern Kurdistan) as People and Women Protection Units foiled all their efforts to control North Syria and restore the new Ottoman era and to highlight the Brotherhood's main character of the people of the area and declare themselves loyal to them, as in the past to trade with Russians to have a new foothold in North Syria.
This time it was the exchange of Afrin in the eastern Gouta, where Russia gave the green light to Turkish occupation of the attack on Afrin and launched a process called "olive branch" in order to legitimize its occupation, the Turkish occupation highlighted several things to gain public opinion:
1. Linking the process to Turkish national security and national security to ward off the nightmare of internal resistance from the border.
2. Linking the process to "humanitarian" motives.
3. Declaring that People and Women Protection Units constitute a threat to their security as they have a project that does not adapt to their occupying regime and fascist administration.
This Turkish operation, which called "Olive Branch", was supposed to be against the Jabhet al-Nusra" Hayet Tahrir al-Sham as a terrorist group classified as a branch of al-Qaeda in Syria. However, the first entry of Turkish occupation forces in the first half of October of 2017, under the protection of "Jabhet al-Nusra earlier", ended this perception.
Turkey has set up checkpoints under the name of "observation points," which have been used by soldiers and equipment, the lines are being gathered at these points from the areas controlled by the mercenary factions or through the northern border crossings with Idlib or through the border crossing linking Turkey with the western Aleppo countryside in Kafer Losin area and its neighboring neighborhood which link between Syria and Alexandrian Brigade, and there were the first preparations, which make Russia wishing to undermine the will of the Kurds.
Russia gave the signal to Turkey to start its operation by withdrawing its military base from Afrin area and transferring it to Tal Rifat, which was liberated by the Syrian Democratic Forces since the beginning of 2016.
the first step of the third deal carried out by Turkey against the so-called "Syrian opposition" and to legitimize its intervention is the withdrawal of the regime forces from the fronts of east and south-east Idlib, while retaining some points that have been in the hands of the regime since the beginning of Syrian crisis, the agreement between Syrian regime and Turkish occupation reached the borders of the capital Damascus, where the eastern part of Damascus, which was considered one of the most important strongholds of the mercenary groups, was located about 105 square kilometers of Damascus countryside adjacent to the eastern Syrian capital Damascus.
Turkey has dismissed all the suspicions in Syria against the occupation of Afrin
Idlib did not witness any attack by the regime forces in order to advance. It paid the price previously before entry to Afrin, Turkish occupation paid its first check to the regime forces by allowing the regime's forces to control more than 440 villages and towns in a continuous circle in the south Aleppo and the north-east of Hama, east and south-east Idlib province without any resistance, where they withdrew the mercenaries of Jabhet al-Nusra and factions working with it in a sequential, resembling the collapse of IS mercenaries.
The last check was withdrawn from the village bank under the control of IS mercenaries, the latter withdrew from some 100 villages and towns in the northeastern section of Hama and the south-eastern section of Idlib, in a corridor opened by the regime's forces, followed by a sudden dramatic fall of IS mercenaries in Idlib and the surrender of 500 fighters with their families to the mercenaries of al-Sham Liberation Organization (Jabhet al-Nusra) and other mercenary factions.
The third objective of the deal was to ensure the stability of Idlib fronts, in exchange for the direction of regime's systems to end the eastern Gouta command, which includes the mercenaries of Islam Army, and the mercenaries of"Rahman Corps", mercenaries of "Islamic Freedom Movement" and mercenaries of "al-Sham Liberation Body" Against the direction of Turkish occupation to Afrin and enter without air objection from the regime.
Artificial side war:
The war of existence end raged in Idlib and western Aleppo, before the start of the process of the regime, and before any international action to stop the escalating fighting in eastern Gouta from the countryside of Damascus, was the parties to this war are mercenaries of al-Sham Liberation Organization, provoked by the killing of one of its prominent leaders, and the mercenaries of the movement of Nur al-Din al-Zenki, the Islamic movement of Ahrar Sham with the participation of the mercenaries of Syrian hawks and brigades joined this fighting to sit at the table spoils and gains emerging, as these two provinces witnessed fierce battles began on the eve of February 20, in a proactive move Turkey, to close the door in the face of Russia and the regime, in front of the final solution present in any war against the factions of the southern governorates and the central governorates of Syria, namely, the transfer to Idlib.
In light of these changes imposed by Syrian confused arena, while the Turkish role remains another scene, the origin of the neo-Ottoman neo-control, orchestrated plots, to produce a new war, where the Turkish is onlooker while the Arab-Kurdish conflict is ongoing.
The other objectives of these trade-offs are to collect these mercenary factions in specific areas to eliminate them and end their presence in North Syria and the cities of Idlib and Hama and handing over to the regime, in addition to the dream of Turkey in its quest to re-Ottoman era and a new area.

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