human rights watch

fredag 2 december 2022

European politicians do not have the right to sleep next to their lady. They cooperate with Turkey, which is the murderer of 2 million Christians


European politicians do not have the right to sleep next to their lady. They cooperate with Turkey, which is the murderer of 2 million Christians..I already announced that our problem is no less than the problem of Ukraine

And here 👇we were "married without me." Yeah. And the Tuvans are fighting with the Buryats like lions, and they don’t know why the good geyropa decided everything for them.

From December 7 to 11, the IV Forum of the Free Peoples of Post-Russia will be held in Helsingborg, Sweden.

The conference will be devoted, Attention!:

issues of formation of new independent states after the collapse of the Russian Federation.

And here are the tasks that the organizers set themselves:

1. Coordination of decisions on the peaceful "velvet" divorce-dismantling of the Russian Federation.

2. Determination of the borders of future independent states

3. Confirmation of the principle of complete and unconditional denuclearization of all post-Russian countries.

4. Creation of a mechanism for the division of assets-debts of the current Russian Federation (including reparations)

5. Development of the basic parameters for the organization of the post-Russian space, especially in the first few years of transition (economic ties, supply chains, the movement of people and capital, the currency issue, etc.).

Representatives of the Ingrian movement will also take part in the Forum.

They will be invited, apparently in order to give this absurd event the status of a complete joke.

However, laughter with laughter, but the map was drawn, and the names of the new states were invented, and even the flags were hung on the map.

But the presidents were not appointed.

Apparently, no consensus has been reached on this issue

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