A few days ago I put up a picture of some women, which in my interpretation showed "jihad genomic genomic index fingers," accompanied by a text that explained that their "secret mission" had been completed. Not that I've done over the interpretation of the meaning of this gesture. I've learned that it does a professed by Allah in the prayer, but for jihadists symbolizes a promise that it is only Allah's path to be chosen where Jannah - Paradise-is the only goal.
On Twitter, wrote a provoked Cherin Awad "Well, racism, islamhat, muslimhat, idiot, hatpropagenda and lågbegåvning works with. The only ones who should be ashamed is you. " In his defense sister, she said that the girls went swimming. I have, after having lived half my life in a Muslim country, never heard of the upward index finger is a gesture used when to bathe. I have anyway decided to remove the image that I respected the women's will and hopes to be able to contact them to discuss further our different views on religion.
A few days later adds Johan Lundberg up new material on Twitter. It revealed that the woman who posted the post that Cherin Awad defended had rejoiced over a dead Swedish Syrienkrigares martyr's blood. Lundberg's point was questioning the standpoints of Cherin Awad, when she took the woman in question in defense and represented her as a Muslim in general, without radical agenda. One can point out that it was the woman's husband who put up a Facebook post (on Ummah News) where it was said that the martyrs blood had now reached Gothenburg. This has led to a heated debate on Twitter that ended with Lundberg apologized because he had violated Cherin Awad.
Sad enough, so put misstänkliggörandet end to the debates. It is sad that the focus is on the person, not the conduct and pitiful that we have so little room left for critical thinking.
Motorcyclist in serious condition after slipping on Ayalon Highway
A 27-year-old motorcyclist slipped on Ayalon Highway near the Wolfson Interchange on Thursday night.
Magen David Adom paramedics provide...
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