human rights watch

måndag 22 januari 2018

To hear Afrin our voice “We are with you

To hear Afrin our voice “We are with you.

ALEPPO – The students of Aleppo city confirmed that they will stand with Afrin, and at the same time condemned the Turkish occupation attacks, and that Turkey will not be able to undermine the will of the Syrian people components.
The reactions of the people in North Syria regions and Rojava against the Turkish army’s shelling on Afrin will still ongoing, on it the students of Aleppo issued a statement to the world public opinion.
The statement was read by the student Fattoum Mustafa in front of an innovative institute located in al-Hillouk al-Fokani neighborhood.
The text of the statement:
“In the name of the students in the eastern neighborhoods, we condemn the Turkish attacks on Afrin canton, and we do not forget that they are a courageous part of Syria. These attacks are nothing more than an expression of brutality and criminality of the Turkish state and we tell them that they will not be able to dissuade the people of all components from their freedom and dignity.
We pledge the leader Abdullah Ocelan to follow his thought and philosophy and we are in hand with Afrin people.
“These attacks on Afrin canton and other areas by the Turkish state and their missiles and tanks attack them, but Afrin with its blood and olive will resist their crime, and we as students stand next to Afrin and hand in hand big or small and we will fight even in the battlefields.
The statement ended with slogans echoing Afrin’s resistance.

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