human rights watch

söndag 1 april 2018

I must sleep and I say goodnight w a picture of a family of Efrîn. Sleeping out in the open. Unprotected, cold & scared. Don't allow the silence to continue abt #TurkishWarCrimes in Efrîn & speak up for those who were forced out of their homes by Turkey.

I must sleep and I say goodnight w a picture of a family of Efrîn. Sleeping out in the open. Unprotected, cold & scared. Don't allow the silence to continue abt in Efrîn & speak up for those who were forced out of their homes by Turkey.
To suggest that lack of grammar and English and journalistic skills somehow sheds doubt on the authenticity of the sexual crimes against Afrin women and girls committed by Turkish and jihadists is disgusting, racist and orientalist.

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