human rights watch

måndag 17 december 2018

Turkey has long threatened the Kurdish-Arab alliance, SDF in northern Syria with a military offensive. The Alliance Speaker, Rédûr Xelil, who met Ekot in Northern Syria, calls the Turkish ambitions of madness.

Turkey has long threatened the Kurdish-Arab alliance, SDF in northern Syria with a military offensive. The Alliance Speaker, Rédûr Xelil, who met Ekot in Northern Syria, calls the Turkish ambitions of madness.

Our primary purpose is to defend our area from the terrorist group IS and we are no threat to Turkey. In addition, in the border between us and Turkey, coalition forces are patrolling, so it would be crazy for Turkey to attack our territory.

Lastly, reports of this Kurdish-Arabic alliance had taken over the last city that IS controlled in Syria. And it was the same forces that took over IS headmaster Raqqa last year.

The USA has repeatedly acclaimed the Kurdish forces in northern Syria to be the most effective on the ground in the fight against IS.

But the biggest concern for the rulers of northern Syria is no longer IS, as they have been in intensive war for a long time. Both the military spokeswoman Rêdûr Xelil and several politicians in northern Syria that we spoke to on the spot told us that the biggest oro factor is neighboring Turkey. And Turkey's President Erdogan has been open in his statements.
Turkey has long threatened the Kurdish-Arab alliance, SDF in northern Syria with a military offensive. The Alliance Speaker, Rédûr Xelil, who met Ekot in Northern Syria, calls the Turkish ambitions of madness.

Our primary purpose is to defend our area from the terrorist group IS and we are no threat to Turkey. In addition, in the border between us and Turkey, coalition forces are patrolling, so it would be crazy for Turkey to attack our territory.

Lastly, reports of this Kurdish-Arabic alliance had taken over the last city that IS controlled in Syria. And it was the same forces that took over IS headmaster Raqqa last year.

The USA has repeatedly acclaimed the Kurdish forces in northern Syria to be the most effective on the ground in the fight against IS.

But the biggest concern for the rulers of northern Syria is no longer IS, as they have been in intensive war for a long time. Both the military spokeswoman Rêdûr Xelil and several politicians in northern Syria that we spoke to on the spot told us that the biggest oro factor is neighboring Turkey. And Turkey's President Erdogan has been open in his statements.

On Wednesday, President Erdogan announced that the message about IS was only myth that there was no IS threat to them. Erdogan told that Turkish military was ready for their preparations and within a few days they would launch a military offensive against northern Syria.

In February, Turkey took over the Kurdish-controlled encampment Afrin in Syria after two months of hard battles. According to Redur Xelil, the Turkish forces have forced the Kurds to move their forces to the Turkish border and it has given IS increased lifespan.

Turkey considers the Kurdish forces in northern Syria to be closely related to the forbidden PKK, which has been active among the Kurds on the Turkish side for decades.

Following Erdogan's latest statement, the Kurds in Syria have called for universal mobilization, as well as appealing to the UN and the International Anti-IS coalition to stop the Turkish President's plans.

US Defense High Commissioner Pentagon has warned for a one-sided offensive and announced that such an effort would be unacceptable.

Rêdûr Xelil says that their forces have good military cooperation with the Americans in place and hope it will prevent a Turkish offensive. But if Turkey still makes reality of its threats and enters, "yes, it will have major negative consequences for the whole region," he says.
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