human rights watch

torsdag 3 januari 2019

2019 begins with more regime critical protests in Iran.

2019 begins with more regime critical protests in Iran.
e popular protests against the regime in Iran that began a year ago continue unabated despite the authorities' repressive measures and arbitrary arrests.

Farmers in Esfehan and retirees in Tehran and Mashhad organized demonstrations against the regime on Wednesday, second January. Participants expressed their dissatisfaction with the deterioration of living conditions and lack of rights. They protested not only against the Government of Rouhani but also against the regime's failure to fulfill previous promises.

Pensioners in Tehran gathered outside the regime's parliament and chanted slogans as "retirees stand up to oppression and discrimination".

Thousands of farmers in Esfehan protested against water scarcity and accused the regime of aggravating the situation by refusing them access to the nearby Zayandehrood River.

At the same time, truck drivers in Iran went into yet another nationwide strike to protest against poor working conditions and insufficient wages. The strike, which began on Saturday, December 22, was the fifth of its kind and lasted for ten days. The new strike, unlike previous rounds, was more organized and included more cities.

student Protests

2018 ended with several days of extensive student protests in Tehran. Students from the University of Tehran and other colleges in the capital attended demonstrations at Enghelab Square (Revolution Square) and outside Tehran's University on Monday, December 31st.

The demonstrations were organized in solidarity with students from another university in Tehran (Science and Research Faculty of Azad University) who protested against the regime for several days. The student protests broke out after a bus accident a few days earlier, where 10 students from Azad University died. The students accused senior government officials and the management of Azad University of being responsible for the fatal bus crash and demanding the resignation of those responsible.

The regime's repressive security forces and civilian agents tried to disperse the demonstration with tear gas and threats. But the students chanted "down with the dictator" and "wasn't afraid, don't be afraid, we all stand together".

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