human rights watch

tisdag 8 januari 2019

if the python should allow to come back and participate in the political process in rojava, python and other political movements in rojava should have a high demand, 1 roj pesmarga should be disarmed and civilized. 2 treason is one thing that if someone committed for treason should get high punishment. there should be no more in kurdistan party militias they should be banned.

if the python should allow to come back and participate in the political process in rojava, python and other political movements in rojava should have a high demand, 1 roj pesmarga should be disarmed and civilized. 2 treason is one thing that if someone committed for treason should get high punishment. there should be no more in kurdistan party militias they should be banned.

pkk does not exist in rojava today many swedish also european political parties wear karls marx images when py is also with ocalan's ideology, but can not say it is wrong or right, but you cannot what people can answer the questions themselves, but today py is not not armed what is now armed in rojava it is ypg and ypg is not a political party it is a military belonging to protecting rojava, if ENKS would come back should disarm no political party should carry weapons or have their own militia it is dangerous for Kurdish future, I'll tell you one for example .. Kirkuk if there was a Kurdish military Iraqi Kurdistan then Hashd al shaabi could not occupy church just 30 minutes .. About Turkey, Turkey will never support Kurds it is a false dream .. I know better than all the other Turks. If what Mr Trump has said is right, but he should guarantee the Kurds with weapons and not just bad weapons with modern weapons because between the East is under undeveloped people and political, first, to say one thing Kurdish politicians are bad, everyone has one during the earth's cooperation with the occupying countries just like barzani and talabani do and have done before .. about turkey ,,, turkey cannot accept kurdish rights how would come and cooperate with kurds ?? it is joke .. ENKS is a pure treason political party that can so easily be rented out by the enemy ... just like barzani .. Many say barzani is a Jewish friends, I say no he is not I personally met him he is praying every day five times the koran every Friday reads what Jew he should be ?? if ENKS committed for violations of the Kurdish nation's rights so has collaborated with enemy both military and intelligence services as it is not okay to allow such sick people to move freely should be a high demand they should follow with rojava law and rules when they are welcome. The United States does not want to remove Iran even isis from the region there is a lot of interest in them being left how come isis where there isis there are many questions about it .. we also hear there is secret meeting between Iranian religious regime and the usa in Oman masqat several times they just matter, if the us want then they can overthrow the Iranian regime within a month .. we have an example word, there must be some reason to do something ..

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