human rights watch

fredag 4 januari 2019

Previously-jailed activist urges Iranian Intelligence minister for live debate

Previously-jailed activist urges Iranian Intelligence minister for live debate
Esmaeel Bakhsi, the representative of workers of Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Factory who spent 25 days in captivity of Iranian Intelligence Agency known as Etelaat, invited on Friday Mahmoud Alavi, minister of Intelligence for a televised live debate.

“Mr Alavi, I have endured such sufferings and pains during the 25 days, which I was in Etelaat captivity that I have not been freed from them since. I use mental medicine to release myself from them (the trauma),” Bakhshi posted on his Instagram account.
Bakhshi was tortured to death in a way that he “was not able to move for 72 hours.”
“After two months, I still feel pain in my left ear, kidneys, testicles and my broken ribs,” Bakhshi continued, “but mental tortures were even worse than physical ones, I don’t know what has happened to me that my hands are shaking and now I am afraid of everything.”
The torturers have introduced themselves as Unknown Soldiers of Imam Zaman, an official name that Islamic Republic uses for secret intelligence agents.
In part of his post, Bakhshi said that he has two questions in mind, which Iranian people including himself must know the answers.
“From moral, human rights and especially Islamic point of views, is torturing a prisoner allowed? If yes, how much and what kind of torture are acceptable?” Bakhshi invited the minister to answer this question.
“Now I am asking Mr Alavi, the minister of Etelaat, who is a spiritual and religious person himself, from moral, human rights and especially Islamic point of views is it allowed to listen to the most private conversation between me and my dear wife? Is such act morally acceptable?” he raised the second question.
Bakhsi criticized the intelligence agency for monitoring his personal life and hacking his mobile phone, which seriously broke the family and himself.
“They (torturers) told me we know everything about you, we even know how many times your wife has been in conflict with you over your activities (his struggle for the rights of labor.)”
 “Mr Alawi, I Esmaeel Bakhsi invite you to a live debate on TV, so we can hopefully hear your answers.”
Workers of Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Factory and Khouzestan Steel Company (KSC) in Iran have been on strike for months against delayed salary and privatization of the factories in November and December 2018.

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