human rights watch

tisdag 5 mars 2024

2 The discussion part with the person who previously worked through the employment agency in Karlstad,


2 The discussion part with the person who previously worked through the employment agency in Karlstad,...

today with this meeting it can be proven that Saleh Mohammadi, Mustafa Muóhammadi they are Iranian real agents.

mostafa mohammadi born 1959-12-04 in iran near serpol zehab he lived in altash then came via the red cross to sweden in the early 90s, first he worked as a supporter of komallah, a socialist party that fights for equality and freedom in the kurdish area of iran.

when mostafa came to sweden he listened every day to the koran and showed himself to be a real islamist who just does other islamic radical organization.

Saleh mohammadi played a role in the manchaher incident, saleh mohammadi called me in the middle of the night on 2010 it was 00:1:00 at the end of October 2010 and said come let's drink coffee I lived at that time in Karlstad basunggatan, when my interpretation Saleh mohammadi had a role in manochaher's incident because manochaher worked before with Iranian religious organization mojahedin khalgh , and Saleh was constantly going to Iran and getting in touch with Iranian intelligence and therefore he should do something to gain the credibility of Iranian intelligence, but he forgot that Saleh another person called jamal jafi worked with mojahedin khagh and participated in an operation called frokhjavidan but because he is related to saleh did nothing against jamal jafi.

We! hi again how are you hope all is well with you.

She! well thank you today I am quite well with the back pain I have been given pain tablets and quite better, the Ischeas that I had when I was 25 years old.

We! hope that everything will get better, because when you get older, lots of things come and appear, back pain, toothache, there are more.

She! yes, I already know about that, but I never had other problems, I only had back pain.

We! good hope you get rid of the back pain, soon,

We have a question, haven't you asked Saleh and Ali why would they cancel a one-year contract between Samuel and Träddfällarlaget?

She! Saleh and Ali told them Samuel is a communist and Swedish society is against such ideas, they should not have any work, we must scrap communism, I asked Saleh, how do you know he is a communist? Saleh and Ali them responded via his blog which usually writes he is against the religion and we do not like what he writes about the religion, we are Muslim Islam is also against communists.

I asked do you have proof that samuel is a communist?

Saleh and Ali replied you can ask my big brother mustafa mohammadi he knows samuel worked with komalah a marxist organization in kurdistan we call them terrorists, I asked again are you with the ayatollahs? Saleh said yes they are better than communists or socialists you can travel to iran the ayatollahs have made iran a paradise you should not listen to them terrorist organization who talk bad about iran and the ayatollahs.

We! we know of such spies, but why would they work for authorities and do that to other people because of opinions, or their beliefs, it is surely the authority's fault to hire such agents and also listen to the agents.

She! i don't know if so, but it wasn't pija eklund who broke your one year contract with the tree felling team it was ali and saleh mohammadi who forced pija eklund to do so maybe they gave her money to do so, therefore according to a colleague said Iran requires Saleh to do that to you, I myself have asked Saleh several times why he does that, he answered we don't like him we will all sign against him he should not live in Karlstad that's what Saleh Mohammadi said, I laughed and said Karlstad is not your city everyone can live here with any opinions that would have this is a democratic country no one does anything to anyone because of the person's faith or the person's opinion, this is Sweden not Iran, then Saleh laughed, and said we know more than you know about the person, he should not have any work in Sweden, I work through the employment agency does not allow him to have any work said Saleh Mohammadi.

We! we already know about it, but it is not only Saleh, there are many others who have the same role as Saleh, but what Saleh Mohammadi has done is a violation of the law, also against the rules of the labor market, he has also violated the law of the employment agency, We knew even Sameul himself knew if he had received information, but unfortunately no one wanted to listen to him, due to the fact that today there are many agents who managed to get hired through the various authorities in Sweden.

She! yes unfortunately it's true, I who said Saleh and Ali thought you were communists and they told things about you and tried to convince other colleagues against you, they also talked to the bosses about trying to convince the bosses against Samuel.

Sorry I have to go don't have time, but it was nice talking to you,

We! thank you very much for the information you are an honest person we know good swedes don't do such things have a nice day.

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