human rights watch

lördag 23 mars 2024

In terms of social security, Iran is becoming the most insecure country in the world, there is no security in Iran, and the government is either silent or its own government supports this social insecurity.


In Iran, there is chaos and social collapse.
And the cause of this social chaos is due to poverty, unemployment and the devaluation of the national currency.

In terms of social security, Iran is becoming the most insecure country in the world, there is no security in Iran, and the government is either silent or its own government supports this social insecurity.

In broad daylight inside a bus, a robber with a chain attacks passengers and starts beating people with noise and insults.Do not the authorities say that it is safe in Iran, where are they?

A video of a city bus has been obtained by the BBC, which shows a person calling one of the passengers of the bus with obscene words and hitting him with an iron chain. After hitting one of the passengers for a while, the assailant goes to another passenger who protested.

The video was sent with the explanation that the assailant is "one of the members of a gang of pickpockets and pickpockets who stand in front of the entrance of the bus and try to steal the phones of passengers."

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