human rights watch

onsdag 20 mars 2024

What is verbal sadism? and what does a person suffering from verbal sadism do?


This letter is about two things verbal sadism and structured systematic racism also a bit about destructive sadism and racism.

What is verbal sadism? and what does a person suffering from verbal sadism do?

Those who suffer from verbal sadism do things to others to make themselves feel better, verbal sadism believes that the victims cannot be noticed what he, she does to the victims.

From October 24, 2023 until today I noticed two people who both suffer from strong verbal sadism, verbal sadism doesn't come by itself it can be about the person's backgrounds. For example, have been raped or something similar in their home country, others may also have had something similar happen in this society. Therefore, many scientists and philosophers believe that a healthy person would never humiliate, or despise or offend others who do so, similar things have happened to the past, the revenge that plays a role through past pains.

After all, a verbal sadism first finds a word and speaks against the victims and then looks at how the customer acts on the victims her, his words. Many that I had a meeting with over several years after a long study of what affects them so to be like that have finally found their illnesses.

  more information

A verbal sadist sometimes tries to cause problems between women and men, for example saying that his wife said so or her husband said so if the person is not recorded then they can cause a fight at home and that makes the verbal sadists happy.

  verbal sadism is the same as racism

A verbal sadism thus tries to offend and despise the victims in order to see how could affect the victims.

I have a lot of evidence to present so that those with knowledge can know more.

  A verbal sadist is a real racist.

The verbal sadists write exactly what they think and what they think and send to the victims to be able to make the victims angry then the police report the victims who have threatened them they are fake and carry double standards. Verbal sadism is divided into 3 types

Sadism by writing by letter writing

Destructive sadism

Anyone who is subjected to violence by a close relative often breaks down psychologically. Isolation, low self-esteem and conflicting feelings of guilt, shame, pity, loyalty and fear of the abuser often make it very difficult to leave the relationship. The risk of serious violence and murder is also greatest during separation. This is how people via social services who work for foreigners or racists play a role.

Destructive sadism is the same behavior that I was met with in 2018 and 2019 also in 2022 by such people who had great hatred, were attacked with lots of verbal attacks from those people who had contact during the year who have already written about. Therefore, everyone who goes through sociological education primarily loses self-confidence and has very poor patience if you were to criticize the person. for example, they have never met the person, they are pointed at, the person is sick, they themselves are healthy,, I have a phone conversation with a woman named Isabella with the Islamic veil when I said no, you are wrong, you did the day after the complaint against my family, everything was recorded in different people. For example had a meeting with a person with foreign backgrounds she if you don't feel well here leave here I said typical mythomaniac people,

everything exists as evidence can be proven. Person from a people group that ranks first in the whole world as a liar who cheats the most in the whole world? Egyptian ranks first in the whole world Iranian second and Turks rank third as liars.

For example, when I came to Sweden I never saw an ordinary Swede lie', but when more people came from the Middle East when they were taught by the Swedes to lie, for the first time saw a woman named Birgitta and an Albanian Berisha who lied in 1998.

But in Malmö, the Swedes who actually lie to them from the Middle East have seen a lot and have infected the Swedes.

more information in the future.

A person who suffers from verbal sadism would be happy when he would treat another human being badly, like Mirza Seric and others of her colleagues who played fake doctor.

It is also called a structural systematic racism.

I want to write here about systematic structures racism as well organized structures systematic racism is organized by the government they are shared with several different groups, some work with drug dealers, some work against the person with foreign backgrounds this group has direct contact with the person's home country and every things that do to the person demand money from the person's home country, another group that works would keep track of the person's education and what job the person is looking for so that they would prevent the person's future job, another group collaborates with criminal people in society.

Another group works to criminalize the people they think have something they dislike, it could be ideas, opinions or something else. They call themselves the social service.

What is structural racism? Structural/institutional racism

The Ayatollah uses physical as executions physical torture, but the fascists use psychological methods without having knowledge of this subject, when they are pointed out to others. Fascists can point at anyone, because that's the fascists' methods. Below, read about their methods.

What is structural racism? Structural/institutional racism

  What is structural racism? Structural/institutional racism.

Structural/institutional racism are active and mostly invisible action patterns and processes that benefit individuals and groups from the majority society and at the same time constitute obstacles to the participation of minority and immigrant groups in social life. For example, one way of structural racism is spreading rumors in secret ways to degrade and despise the person to reduce credibility in society. One or a group that managed to become employees of an authority can use the authority's credibility to spread rumors against a person in order to reduce that person's credibility. for example 2017 and 2018 also 2019 event is already on this blog..for example in front of you another person and behind you completely against you and plays a double moral role. As we have written there are 3 steps in racism the first step is not so dangerous , the second stage is about to become violent, but the 3 stage is the last stage which is called the last stage of craziness like hysterical insanity the stage that the person can do everything to bring his ideas. We have different types of racism religious racism, color racism and nationality racism, Islamic racism everyone knows how Islamic fascists treated Yazidis in Iraq,, we have another one called immigrant racism, immigrant men can be racist against each other, but there is a part of invand racismen lives in Sweden, but don't like the swedes they are invand racismen. Today, many people with a racist background who have managed to work on the authorities abuse the law by insulting foreigners, using insulting words and playing the role of a fake doctor game player. It is a type of racism tactic to despise and humiliate people who are not from the same area as the person was born and raised, or do not have the same head color that came to their country.

There is ingrained racism that one day an Iranian man attacked a woman with an Arab background who wears a hijab on the train, so we call this behavior ingrained racism, there are also Islamists who belong to the Iranian regime do the same thing to Iranian political activists.

But we also have Structural racism what does Structural racism do? they try to educate the people to reduce the credibility of others, for example they teach those who have less self-confidence so that when others talk or talk about something they would be humiliated, despised and bullied laugh.

Institutional racism arises when rules, norms and accepted patterns of action (practice) of social institutions, such as e.g. the school and the universities, means a limitation - and also an obstacle - for certain ethnic minorities and immigrant groups to achieve equal opportunities with the rest of society. Structural racism occurs when societal structures, e.g. the legal system, the education system, etc., and the political system exclude ethnic minorities and/or immigrant groups from participating in social life on the same terms as other citizens. Although the general definition of racism is the theory of a hierarchy, according to which one "race" is superior to other "races", the concept of racism has different levels. Philosophy professor Étienne Balibar (1991) says that there is not just one kind of racism, but many forms of racism. Different terms are used to capture the different levels and manifestations of racism, such as: 'everyday racism', 'cultural racism', 'institutional racism' and structural racism'.

A summary definition of racism and of structural/institutional racism is presented in The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology (1994). It divides racism into two categories: (1) visible and individual racism, which consists of individual actions against subordinate groups and individuals, and (2) covert and institutional racism, which is practiced through structural relations between superior and subordinate groups in a society. While individual racism consists of individual actions with definite intentions, institutional racism is, on a more unconscious level, the result of – but also an everyday process of – a system of unequal relations between different ethnic groups. However, one should add that structural/institutional racism is not always unconscious; it can be both intentionally and unintentionally exercised. It should also be pointed out that the term individual racism, as researcher Philomena Essed (2002) says, contradicts itself because racism is an expression of and activation of group power.

The border between structural and institutional racism is somewhat fluid, and therefore in the academic debate, both concepts are usually chosen to capture all factors that constitute obstacles and limitations for minority and immigrant groups' active and equal participation in social life. Structural/institutional racism exists in different spheres of today's society. An example is the Swedish media's reporting of crimes committed by people with a non-Western background. Crime in general and sexual and violent crime are assumed to be conditioned by the cultural background of these criminals. This approach is institutionalized, among other things, in the mass media (Ylva Brune, 1998), in the police (Peter Nobel, 1988), social services and the judiciary (Masoud Kamali, 1997) and is reinforced by structural factors in the political system, the laws and the education system. The roots of this can be found i.a. in the institutionalization of the "Orient" as "the others". For example, people from the Middle East are portrayed and viewed as irrational, patriarchal and prone to violence. In other words, their values are assumed to be the exact opposite of "our" values.

The research has shown that even within the university world, structural/institutional racism makes itself felt, both through the admissions system and in research and recruitment for university positions. Some groups are strongly underrepresented at Swedish universities and colleges, both among students and among employees. The structural/institutional racism can also affect the perception and thought structures of individuals. The majority is unconsciously indoctrinated to see itself as "the better people". This happens i.a. through the mass media and the education system and also affects the minorities' image of themselves and of the majority. The institutional inferiority that is structurally imposed on the minorities and that manifests itself in, among other things, in higher unemployment and segregation, causes the minority groups to get used to being less valuable than the majority.


Sociologists Michael Omi and Howard Wisnant (1986) believe that racist categories and the very meaning of race take concrete expression through specific social relations and historical contexts. For example, the need to create a nation and a national identity can constitute such a historical context that creates racism. Through the exclusion and misdefinition of other ethnic or religious groups, racism eventually becomes part of social institutions and the fabric of society. Racism thus affects various aspects of social life, e.g. employment, education, the administration of justice in civil and criminal cases, marriage and other forms of cohabitation. In a society with structural/institutional racism, democratic rules of the game such as majority rule works against the minorities and preserves the dominance of the majority. Therefore, the structural/institutional racism, which is a long-lived phenomenon, must be noticed, debated and fought through efforts within and outside the established institutions.

Unfortunately yesterday I read a letter they wrote that the person distrusts the authority.


Unfortunately yesterday I read a letter they wrote that the person distrusts the authority. soon you can listen here everyone meets from 2016 to 2022 everything is recorded and can be broadcast via an international tv channel. We are guests here absolutely do not have any distrust of the authority, what we are talking about is law addicts and those who exploit law and rules for their debt. I want to explain it is not true and it is a big lying and incorrect. I want to explain here to the audience what they wrote, it is called exploiting the authority for their debts because what they are doing and putting the blame on the authority, it is not true, it is a lie. There is information about a meeting between Mirza, Madeleine, emilie and gustav at the end of 2018. According to a person who was there himself and was exposed, did not want to name the person. Madeleine has said we can point out the father and verbally attack him as he can get angry and we can report him as a threat to an official, mirza, that's okay, but he records everything that talking to us, it is a big problem for us to be able to do something against the father. Hannele, yes, it is difficult to be able to criminalize the father, what he does and recording can be a problem for us. Gustav, then we can establish him as mistrusting the authorities, we can do, Mirza yes we can, Madeleine, yes I did it once against him he didn't react I was suspicious that he was recording what we were talking about that's why I ended the meeting with the father and I had a meeting with the father. For more information which TV channel can contact us to prove how they make offensive and contemptuous words against people with foreign backgrounds. I want to explain again absolutely do not distrust the authority the racists are doing wrong and try to put the blame on what they do the authority, one thing they wrote that when they talked to the father he was a suspect, but they did not explain in what way they say so they themselves are more suspicious more than others because we decided to publish names pictures of those who have connections to Iranian the regime and work through social services .I have never said that I do not believe in the authorities .These things that I have criticized are some kind of bad treatment rude behavior by some employees of the social department, not the whole authority. Anyone who wants to can listen and see all the meetings were recorded and some of them just want to get rid of their inner feelings and despised and offended with verbal attacks. They make things up and lie, he says distrust of the authorities, it's completely sick and absolutely not true. Yes, what the racists care about, when they despise or offend, try to humiliate a person and do sick things to someone, find sick things and write another thing to the authorities that the person has distrust of the authorities. It is a complete lie and they should be ashamed of what they are doing, therefore everything is recorded, some video, some voice was recorded, everything is there.

In 2022 november a woman came where I was in gardening training, the woman told me to go to the basement and see what is happening there, then I went to the basement saw two guys standing there talking to one of the teachers, I opened the camera and filmed their face without asking who they are, then I went to the woman's office where she told me that there were two social workers from Malmö east of them said our boss would get a way so that you would prevent your future work so that you would not get any work:

My manager asked why they said that as we know you know don't just listen to the authority we are from the authority said one of the guys, then I went to the manager and asked the manager, she got curious who told mg and how did I know about that event ? I answered we know exactly what is going on, we have training on that, we also have group language skills,

Then the manager said we cannot be against the authority for an individual so we have to follow what the authority says we are Swedish and must listen to our authority even that would be unfair,

Sincerely, Samuel

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