human rights watch

onsdag 19 december 2018

US Congressman: Turkey deals with Russia, Iran to undermine US interests in region The US Congressman Thomas Alexander Garrett said that Turkey occupied both Afrin, Jarabulus and al-Bab, did not liberate them as it claims and imposes the Turkish language on the children of Afrin. He said, "The truth is that Turkey is working with Russia and Iran to undermine the US interests in the region, so either Turkey would exit Syria or NATO."

US Congressman: Turkey deals with Russia, Iran to undermine US interests in region The US Congressman Thomas Alexander Garrett said that Turkey occupied both Afrin, Jarabulus and al-Bab, did not liberate them as it claims and imposes the Turkish language on the children of Afrin. He said, "The truth is that Turkey is working with Russia and Iran to undermine the US interests in the region, so either Turkey would exit Syria or NATO."

The US Congressman of the Republican Party and the member of the Congressional Foreign Relations Committee Thomas Alexander Garrett confirmed, during a meeting held with (One America) T.V, that during his visit to the north and east of Syria which lasted for 5 days, he noticed that Turkey acts as an enemy to America and that the American president does not receive the information he needs to make peace in the region.
He also said that during his visit to the regions of north and east Syria, he visited the areas between Manbij Military Council and the mercenaries of the Euphrates Shield supported Turkey in the line of al-Sajour River, and that he personally saw the buildings targeted by the elements of the Turkish occupation. He said "The people who were there asked me why America allows Turkey to behave such way with them? And why is Turkey targeting them?
The US Congressman and Congressional Relations Committee's member Thomas Alexander Garrett visited North and East Syria on November 22 and met with representatives of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of al-Jazeera region, representatives of the Civil Autonomous Administration in Manbij, commanders of  Manbij Military Council, al-Bab and Jarabulus, in addition to visiting the contact line between the fighters of the forces of Manbij Military Council and the mercenaries of the Euphrates Shield in the line of Sajour line on 23 November. He also met with the representatives of al-Tabqa, al-Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor Civil Councils.
During the visit, the representatives of North and East Syria told the Congressman that the region is in a state of security and stability, but the Turkish threats are spreading a state of panic among the people.

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