human rights watch

lördag 25 oktober 2014

Turkey's Kurdish regime is the biggest enemy of the Kurds should never trust the Turkish regime

Should you trust your enemy to help? I say Kurdish people will never believe the Turkish regime, because Turkey Kurdish world's worst greatest enemy.
Never believe your enemy will never give information to your enemy never become close friends with your enemy, because your fiend always looking for a new way to plan down flail you.
Turkey, one of those who try to kill all the Kurds or find a way to kill the Kurdish people, because Turkey supports isis Islamic barbaric terrorists against the Kurdish people.
Turkey's Kurdish regime is the biggest enemy of the Kurds should never trust the Turkish regime
Turkey's regime has announced that will send people to kobane, but those Turkish regime should send to kobani all Turkish secret service members and members of Isis, because Kurdish people to be careful with and will not let the Turkish regime to send terrorists to kobani

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