human rights watch

tisdag 16 januari 2018

Inspection of houses and workplaces of ten Iranian espionage suspects in Germany: The Federal Prosecutor's Office of Germany inspected the residence and work of several Iranian nationals in various states.

Inspection of houses and workplaces of ten Iranian espionage suspects in Germany: The Federal Prosecutor's Office of Germany inspected the residence and work of several Iranian nationals in various states.

These people are accused of collaborating with an intelligence service of the Islamic Republic. They are likely to spy on the Qods Corps. // On Tuesday (January 16th), 10 Iranian citizens were inspected in several German states. This action was taken by the German Federal Prosecutor's Office.
According to the prosecutor's office, none of those people charged with working with an intelligence service in the Islamic Republic have been arrested.
Fox News reported that suspects' homes were located in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, and North Rhine-Westphalia. Fokus wrote that defendants are affiliated with a special corps of the Quds Force.
Suspicious Iranians under the supervision of the German Security Office

The federal prosecutor remains silent about the focus report, but says that Iranian defendants have been under the watchful eye of the German Homeland Security Bureau.

In its latest report, issued in July 2017, the agency wrote that the Islamic Republic of Iran, in addition to spying against opposition groups, is also trying to listen and "receive secret information on foreign policy and internal security." In the report, The activities of the Quds Force in connection with the hearing of "Jewish or Israeli aims" were also mentioned.

The German government recently called on the Foreign Ministry's ambassador to Berlin to protest a Pakistani Iranian intelligence agent against a German politician. The Revolutionary Guards Corps is responsible for the misdeeds and the murder of a number of opponents of the Iranian regime both inside and outside the country. For this purpose, he has formed assassination teams.

In September 1992, terrorists from the Quds Force Corps killed 4 Iranian dissidents in the Mykonos restaurant. The investigation revealed that the secret service of the Iranian regime had ordered the murders.

This bloodshed led to a temporary interruption of relations between Germany and the Iranian regime.
Die Bundesanwaltschaft hat am Dienstag in verschiedenen Bundesländern Wohnungen und Geschäftsräume zehn mutmaßlicher iranischer Agenten durchsuchen lassen. Es bestehe der Verdacht „geheimdienstlicher Agententätigkeit“, sagte ein Sprecher der obersten Anklagebehörde in Karlsruhe. Festnahmen habe es nicht geben. Die Beschuldigten sollen im Auftrag „einer dem Iran zuzurechnenden geheimdienstlichen Einheit“ Institutionen und Personen in Deutschland ausgespäht haben. Mehr Details wurden nicht genannt.
Das Nachrichtenmagazin „Fokus“, das zuerst über die Aktion berichtet hatte, sprach von Durchsuchungen in Baden-Württemberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bayern und Berlin. Danach sind die Verdächtigen Mitglieder der sogenannten Quds-Brigaden, einer Spezialeinheit der iranischen Revolutionsgarden. Die Bundesanwaltschaft kommentierte dies nicht. Ausschlaggebend für die Durchsuchungsaktion seien Hinweise des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz gewesen. (dpa

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