human rights watch

torsdag 4 oktober 2018

All Iranian political refugees in Europe send letters to Federica Mogherini, and tell about the Iranian regime's human violations against Iranian people by the Iranian regime Zarif is a crime you meet him

All Iranian political refugees in Europe send letters to Federica Mogherini, and tell about the Iranian regime's human violations against Iranian people by the Iranian regime Zarif is a crime you meet him.

Write to Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union to take an action against imprisonment, torture and execution in Iran

The Islamic regime in Iran has recently started a wave of arrests in an attempt to suppress another mass protest in Iran. Among the arrestees are teachers, lawyers, university students, labour activists, environmental activists, journalists and many more. Ever since the protests in Iran in December 2017, The Islamic Regime’s security forces have used any excuse to kidnap, arrest and torture hundreds of activists, dissidents and protesters. Following the recent attack on the military parade in the city of Ahwaz in September 2018, security forces have arrested more than 300 people in the Khuzestan province in Iran who were mainly rights activists. In September 2018, regime executed four political prisoners, Ramin Hosseingpanahi, Kamal Ahmad-Nejhad, Loghman Moradi and Zaniar Moradi. The security forces have been harassing and threatening the families of political prisoners, raiding prison wards and beating political prisoners and depriving them from medical attention. Moreover, the regime in Iran has recently started to issue flogging sentences for activists and political prisoners.
Despite the above desperate attempts of the regime, protests against 40 years of poverty and suppression are continuing in Iran, one such example is the strike of the truck drivers which has been ongoing for days. The authorities in Iran have arrested more than 150 truck drivers in various provinces for participating in the strike on charges of ‘threatening national security’.
The daily attacks on hundreds of people in Iran are continuing, but the governments around the world and the European Union have deliberately closed their eyes on these attacks to shamefully secure and fulfill their economic interests with the murderous regime in Iran.
Prior to the execution of Ramin Hosseingpanahi in September 2018, Ramin’s mother appealed to Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to discuss Ramin’s case with the authorities in Iran in their regular meetings. In response to Ramin’s mother, a standard respond was sent on behalf of Mogherini’s office which indicated they have “recently raised concerns about Ramin’s death penalty with the Iranian authorities”. However, three months later, Ramin was executed along with three other political prisoners.
This is not the first time that the High Representative of the EU failed to condemn the serious abuse of human rights by the Islamic regime in Iran. The question is: how many more must be arrested, tortured and executed by the Islamic regime in Iran before the High Representative of the EU will take a serious and decisive action? While the regime in Iran is brutally attacking hundreds of people and sentencing hundreds to death penalty, the High Representative of the EU seems to deliberately staying on the side and only gently ‘raising some concerns’.
Please send your protest letter/message to Federica Mogherini and let her know that a ‘gentle expression of concern’ toward a regime that has committed crimes against humanity for four decades in Iran is despicable and unacceptable. Please urge Mogherini to take a serious, strong and decisive official action to pressure the Islamic regime in Iran to immediately free all political prisoners and overturn all death penalties.
Please take a moment to show your support for people in Iran.
Sample letter and sample Tweet is provided.
Tweet: @FedericaMog Pressurise the regime in #Iran to release all political prisoners, to stop flogging sentences, to stop arresting people, to stop execution
To : Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
I/We urge you to take an urgent and official action to put pressure on the Regime in Iran to release all political prisoners, to stop flogging sentences, to stop execution and to stop harassing and arresting rights activists.

For more information please contact:
Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)
Shiva Mahbobi, spokesperson +44(0) 7572356661

Free Them Now (Campaign to free jailed workers in IRAN)
Shahla Daneshfar, spokesperson , +44(0)7779898968

International Committee Against Execution (ICAE)
Hasan Salehi, spokesperson +46(0)703171102

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