Entire families have taken up arms against ISIS. They are not allowed into Turkey, surrounded by black hordes of the Islamic State, and ignored by the international community.
Kobani - History Repeats Itself
Anonymous Kurdish YPG fighter:
''We thought the United States was going to help us, bomb ISIS for us. Instead, ISIS is attacking us with American-made tanks.''
Turks, Arabs and Persians have been oppressing and massacring Kurds for centuries. The Ottomans slaughtered 30,000 Kurdish Yezidi on a single day in the 19th century, the Turks, under leadership of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, murdered over 150,000 Kurdish civilians during the Dersim and Zilan massacres. Sure, there was no mass-media at the time to bring this terrible news to the world.
But there was in the late 1980's, when Saddam Hussain, then close ally of the United States, launched the Al-Anfal Genocidal Campaign in which over 182,000 Kurdish civilians were buried alive or gassed to death. The world closed an eye. Both eyes. And why wouldn't they? Saddam was a close ally, and the Kurds, well... ''the Kurds are just a stateless people.''
Kobane is under attack. ISIS is bombing the city with heavy artillery. The city is surrounded by American-made armored vehicles and close to 50 tanks. Over 10,000 Daesh (ISIS) terrorists are about to launch a full-scale assault on the city... with thousands of Kurdish civilians, who are seen as ''infidels'' by ISIS, still in the city.
The Kobane Campaign has been going on for months. The town itself has been under siege for the past 22 days. Several thousand exhausted Kurdish fighters, armed with old Russian-made weapons, are defending the city.
Meet the Defenders of Kobane. From the young and fit, to the sick and elderly.
Shame on the international community. Your leaders, bankers, politicians, fighter jets, tanks, and bombs, are not even worth a finger of anyone of these brave warriors.
Kes nellê Kurd mirduwe, Kurd zînduwe
Zîndûwe qet nanewê alakeman
Her Biji Kurd u Kurdistan!
Let no one say Kurds are dead, they are living
They live and never shall we lower our flag
Long Live Kurds and Kurdistan

85-year old Kurdish man takes up arms to defend his nation. Again. From the day he was born, he has been oppressed and discriminated by the various occupiers and oppressors of Kurdistan.

Brave defenders of Kobane.

''The Jihadists will have to walk over our bodies if they want Kobane.''

Kurdish ''Mothers'' unit. Their sons and daughters were martyred while fighting against Turkish oppression of Kurds.


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