human rights watch

tisdag 24 augusti 2021

#BREAKING #Pakistan Soldiers are fighting as mercenaries under Taliban against #Panjsher resistance force in #PanjshirValley. Pak I-cards recovered from killed terrorists of Taliban side during #panjshirResistance where till clash continue 350 Taliban terrorists were killed. Show this thread


we urge abdulrashid dostom to start from mazar sahrif strike at al qaida taliban terrorists

the outside world should support the afghan freedom fighter ahmed massoud

#BREAKING #Pakistan Soldiers are fighting as mercenaries under Taliban against #Panjsher resistance force in #PanjshirValley. Pak I-cards recovered from killed terrorists of Taliban side during #panjshirResistance where till clash continue 350 Taliban terrorists were killed.
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#BREAKING News video Resistance fighters drive #Taliban out from Kotal Anjuman district (كوتال أنجومان ) on #Panjshir region
Video: Please Don't let #Panjshir fall to Taliban Please don’t let #Panjshirvalley ,the heart of democracy , #HumanRights & #afghan women 's only hope fall to #Taliban. #panjshirResistance #afghanistanwomen #panjshirprovince #PanjshirFighters #BREAKING #Biden @EmmanuelMacron 35 Taliban terrorist were killed Heavy clash continues . #PanjshirValley #panjshirprovince #panjshir #panjshirresistance #afghanistanwomen #kabul
#Pakistan Soldiers are fighting under Taliban against #Panjshir resistance force in #PanjshirValley. Pak I-cards recovered from killed terrorists of Taliban side during #panjshirResistance where till clash continue 350 Taliban terrorists were killed..
video: #Panjshir Commander's msg to the world
-We will Never ever accept Taliban's brutal rule in this region - We We will fight against #Taliban to the last drop of our blood - we won’t be accept any peace deal that US Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad has involved #panjshirResistance

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