human rights watch

lördag 21 augusti 2021

Iranian regime had a secret meeting with its terrorists from Iraq, Iranian Revolutionary Guards planned to arm ISIS again in order to take over the whole of Iraq in cooperation with Hashd al Shaabi.


Iranian regime had a secret meeting with its terrorists from Iraq, Iranian Revolutionary Guards planned to arm ISIS again in order to take over the whole of Iraq in cooperation with Hashd al Shaabi.

Iranian regime leaders have said it is not important to us who would govern Iraq, it is better that the United States leaves Iraq.

Iranian qude forces leader Ismail AQani had several secret meetings with ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria.

A source has said Iran by air moved many ISIS members from Iraq and Syria to Iran.

The Iranian regime began training ISIS terrorists to attack Iraqi forces in the future.

during a meeting with Nichirvan barzani.

   Ibrahim's Raisi demanded that Nichirvan Barzani move all ISIS prisoners from the Iraqi Kurdistan Prison to Iran. So a source has said shortly Isisi will attack Iraqi forces from Iranian borders just as the al Qaeda Taliban attacked Afghan forces from the Iranian border

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