human rights watch

onsdag 1 september 2021

Transfer of ballistic missiles of the Islamic Republic of Madness to eastern Syria


Transfer of ballistic missiles of the Islamic Republic of Madness to eastern Syria

 A number of ballistic missiles of the Islamic Madness Republic have been transferred to eastern Syria by Revolutionary Guards terrorist agents. Iranian terrorist regime has been planned to launch missile attacks on Israel..Iranian regime should be called the attack revenge for fakhtizade.

Iran's Clerical Islamic Madness Regime Plans to Direct Missile Attack on Israel A reliable source has told us that the Revolutionary Guards and Ali Khamenei consider the United States a weak country, and that the Taliban victory in Afghanistan and the Iranian regime are thought to be possible. In a secret meeting between the commanders of the IRGC Intelligence Corps and the leaders of the Quds Force and the Ministry of Intelligence, it was suggested that for a missile attack against Israel, the Iranian regime should transfer many missiles to eastern Syria. Hezbollah terrorist group instructed Hezbollah terrorists to go to war with Israel in case of Iranian missile attack on Israel

It seems that the Islamic Madness Republic is planning to create new tensions in the region.

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