human rights watch

onsdag 8 oktober 2014

Turkish police supporting ISIS and police violence against Kurds !!

Turkish police supporting ISIS and police violence against Kurds !!
This week in various areas of Turkey, Kurdish people protested in the Turkish streets against Erdogans AKP openly supporting ISIS. It's becoming more and more clear that this support for ISIS is a cowardly attack on all Kurds directly coordinated from Ankara.

 It looks like Ankara is now attacking with full power, on one side by supporting isis they have started an military operations and on the other side Turkish police forces have reportedly been enforcing Turkish ultra nationlists against Kurdish communities all over Turkey reports have been made that ultranationlist have opend fire, burned down houses in Diyarbakir, Istanbul, Adana, and many other cities. The hypocrisy of this all is that Erdogan and the nationalist of Turkey are criticizing Israel for the Palestine question but it seems like they are trying to create their own Palestine. The past two days Kurdish youth has been clashin due to this treath from Turkish law enforcement.

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