human rights watch

måndag 21 juni 2021

Human rights groups have called for the president to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.


Human rights groups have called for the president to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

Reuters: Human rights groups call for prosecution of leader for crimes against humanity

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said the election of Ibrahim Ra'isi as the new president of the Iranian regime is a human rights failure. Washington and human rights groups hold Raisi responsible for the extrajudicial executions of thousands of political prisoners in 1988. Human rights organizations have called for him to be prosecuted for the crimes. (Reuters: June 20)

Switzerland Info: Maryam Rajavi says bringing to power the 1988 massacre and the assassination of the Mojahedin Khalq is Khamenei's last attempt to preserve his regime

- Amnesty International Secretary-General Agnes Kalamard said: "Ibrahim Raisi, who became President, should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, murder, enforced disappearance and torture. (Swiss Info June 29)

The Wall Street Journal: Ebrahim Ra'isi, the new president of the Iranian regime, was involved in the extrajudicial execution of thousands of Iranian dissidents in 1988.

The Wall Street Journal wrote in its June 19 editorial about the results of the Clerical Regime election show: "The results of Friday's presidential election reveal important facts about a government that the United States and Europe are trying to appease with nuclear weapons." The Iranian people know that they live in a dictatorship. In 1988, Raisi facilitated extrajudicial executions of thousands of dissidents. He later called the killings one of the "glorious achievements of the regime."

Will the Biden government, which is negotiating a return to a nuclear deal with the Iranian regime, lift sanctions against the president? . (Wall Street Journal: June 29).

Fox News: Amnesty International Secretary-General Says Ibrahim Ra'isi should be prosecuted under international law for past and present crimes

Fox News June 19, 1400 "Agnes Kalamard, Secretary-General of Amnesty International, says:" Ibrahim Ra'isi took over the presidency in an election that took place in a completely repressive atmosphere. "In this election, women, members of religious minorities and candidates with dissenting views were barred from running." "A boss should be prosecuted for past and present crimes under international law," Kalamard added.

The election of a president means that he is the first president of the Iranian regime to be sanctioned by the United States before entering office for his role in a human rights violation in 1988.

The Treasury Department sanctioned the director, citing reports about his role in the execution of the child and the arrest of lawyers for defending political prisoners and human rights defenders.

The US government referred to his involvement in the brutal "suppression" of protesters in 2009. The Iranian opposition has noted its leading role in the "Death Commission", which ordered the execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988. Iranian political prisoners were asked to identify themselves, and those who claimed to be "Mujahideen" were sent to the death squad, while according to a 1990 Amnesty International report, some were asked to "clear minefields for the military." The "Iranian regime" was questioned.

When the president was appointed head of the judiciary in 2019, Deputy Secretary of State Robert Paladino called the move a "scandal." (Fox News June 20)

Bayern Germany: Iranians protest in Munich against regime elections and for a free and democratic Iran

Bayern America TV: Simultaneously with the Iranian regime elections in Munich, Iranians rallied against the elections and against the regime for a free and democratic Iran.

There are no long queues in Iran. There is no waiting for hours for the turn to come. It is hardly a trace of happiness.

Many Iranians do not accept that political rule improves their living conditions. Raisi is one of the perpetrators of the mass executions of political prisoners in the 1960s.

Reporter from Tehran: People are boycotting the elections. Hundreds of people were shot dead by security forces during the November 2009 protests. (Bayern Germany TV, June 20)

Al-Arabiya TV June 20, 1400: Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, said that the comprehensive sanctions were the biggest political and social blow to the regime led by Khamenei. He added that the world saw that the vote of the Iranian people was to overthrow the clerical regime. (Al-Arabiya TV: June 20

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