human rights watch

söndag 27 juni 2021

The clerical regime is terrified of the fifth founder of the National Liberation Army of Iran - state television


executions regime 

The clerical regime is terrified of the fifth founder of the National Liberation Army of Iran - state television. So the ignorance radio transfers the victim to the criminal and the main criminal of Iran's religious fascism system to the rule of law. Does poverty and prostitution kill, torture, rape political prisoners and execution and embezzlement and astronomical thefts of corrupt regime leaders and massacre of thousands of people killing Syrian children? Khomeini is stupid, illiterate, and during the forty-two years the horrible crimes of this system are so innumerable.

Terrorism of the Clerical Regime of the Founders of the Fifth National Liberation Army of Iran - Government Television 3 Tir 1400:

As for how the Mojahedin started the armed war, it is very, very simplistic for us to see that they did not vote and then took up arms.

This line has been the same for the last 40 years until just a few days ago. Just a few days ago, their leader announced that I was announcing the establishment of the fifth founders of the Liberation Army ... Immediately people came in front of the camera that we are ready, we are ready to act.

Ebrahim Raisi and the executions of 1988 according to the picture

In an article titled Ebrahim Ra'isi and the Executions of 1988, the Persian site Deutsche Welle (Radio Germany) revealed the role of Ebrahim Ra'isi, who is now sitting in the Iranian presidency instead of the trial table, in the executions of 1988.

International observers believe that Ibrahim Ra'isi should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, especially the executions of 1988. "All the actions I took during my tenure have always been in defense of human rights," he said in response to his role in the executions in 1988.

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