human rights watch

måndag 21 juni 2021

We will sue and the president must be held accountable first

 We will sue and the president must be held accountable first

National Assembly / Narges Mohammadi, in response to the announcement of President Ebrahim Ra'isi on her Instagram account, wrote: "We want murder, execution, imprisonment, torture, poverty and misery, and Mr. Ra'isi must be held accountable first, rather than the president."

The human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize nominee emphasized: "As a human rights activist and peace activist who has lost everything over the years, I do not reject the presidency of a person who has won an" engineered election ".

In a message issued on Monday, June 20, Ms. Mohammadi described Ra'isi as one of the most serious human rights violators of the past 42 years: Ebrahim Ra'isi must first be held accountable rather than the president

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