human rights watch

fredag 3 augusti 2018

7 rights as determined persons exercise.

7 rights as determined persons exercise.
Rights as determined persons exercise are based on loyalty to themselves and respect for others. It is a solid exercise of emotional intelligence, something we use to find our true identity. It says, "This is me, this is what I think this is what I want and feel."

Tacitus, a famous historian in the Roman Empire, said that nothing can make people happier than to finally live in a time when you can think what you want and say what you think. The strange thing is, however, that despite our world, offering us so many ways to express ourselves today, we still do not do this to a greater extent.
Decency is not what you do, it's who you are. "
-Shakti Gawain-

Let's keep this in mind for a while. Aggressive communication abounds today, but we can not forget passive communication. We are not always honest and we do not always defend our own rights.

Finding the perfect balance between aggressive and passive communication is more difficult than we think. Psychologist Daniel Ames of Columbia University showed this. According to him, most of us still have misconceptions about the subject. We believe that in order to express or take a leadership role in all contexts, we must be "aggressive".

This is a mistake. In fact, the most successful and lucky people have relaxed, determined and intuitive personalities.

Man with branches

1. The first right of determined persons exercise: to express their opinions and feelings
The rights that certain people exercise is nothing one learns overnight. No one comes into this world with determination programmed. Even though they should learn this at home and at school, things are not always good.

Knowing how to express their opinions without fear or violence is truly an art that requires daily work and practice. It requires the will and, in particular, awareness of all parts of life (school, family, friends, work, relationships). We need to know how we communicate our feelings and ideas.

2. The right not to have someone else's approval
We all know a need to fit in when we are teenagers. In this phase, we believe that our "survival" and happiness depend on this. But when we grow up we realize that life does not work that way. Harmony does not mean you have to be a versatile tool that fits into all kinds of situations.

Well-being is instead found to be coherent and to maintain our dignity. You are coherent by maintaining a balance between what you feel and what you do, between what you think and what you say. Therefore, we do not constantly try to please the whole world and strive to ensure that our actions and opinions meet everyone's expectations.

Painted hand

3. The right not to take responsibility for others
Determined persons also exercise the right not to be responsible for everything that others say, do, think or need. We should take responsibility for ourselves, but things outside our own psychological arena are not our job.

4. Right to make mistakes
Another right we all have is the right to make mistakes. Who said we should be impossible? We are not; We have absolute freedom to commit as many mistakes as necessary. Having said that, it's really our duty to learn from them and do it better next time.

5. The right to say "I do not know"
Not knowing is not a crime. It's not an attack on someone's dignity and that does not mean you're ineffective. After all, all learning begins with assuming you are ignorant. Being able to say loudly that we do not know anything gives us the opportunity to improve. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask when we do not know and learn from those who do.

6. The right to change
"But did not you say you liked it? Did not you say you agreed? "

We have all been in that situation. You talk to someone who does not understand why you now look different to life. Understand that change of mind is not always a sign of instability or inconsistency. People mature, and growing means embracing new perspectives.

Woman in drawing7. The right to be proud of ourselves
No one is more entitled to celebrate our achievements, achievements, and even our own existence than ourselves. To appreciate what we are is part of the celebration of life. We are a valuable gift, although we do not always think about it that way, and that we feel proud of ourselves are also a right.

To tell ourselves how much we are worth and say positive words to ourselves is not an act of vanity or selfishness. Rather the opposite. So do not have bad conscience because you love each cell, every fiber of the person you see is reflected in your mirror every day.

In summary, these rights are exercised by certain individuals powerful tools for your well-being and mental health. Let's use them. Let us respect ourselves and others.

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