human rights watch

fredag 3 augusti 2018

Many Iranian agents with Afghan backgrounds sent the Iranian Foreign Terrorist Revolutionary Force's forces through the refugees in 2015 to Sweden. Currently the Afghans working for the Iranian intelligence service in Sweden have direct contacts with the Iranian intelligence service.

Many Iranian agents with Afghan backgrounds sent the Iranian Foreign Terrorist Revolutionary Force's forces through the refugees in 2015 to Sweden. Currently the Afghans working for the Iranian intelligence service in Sweden have direct contacts with the Iranian intelligence service.
Those Iranian agents spy people who have Iranian background, they are trying to know if there are Iranian opposition members here in Malmö or not.
Those who we saw looked at the doors and wrote on a lap all the names of the entrance doors. '
The Afghans participated in the war in Syria as the Iranian regime organized two Afghan groups called Fatimeion and others called Zeinabion Group All these groups are under the control of Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
Also, several of the Afghans who have sunni Muslim backgrounds have participated in war with Isis and they have murdered the masses of Yazidi people in Sengal

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