human rights watch

fredag 5 september 2014

Yezidi Federation of Europe: Genocide towards Yazidi Kurds must be recognized

Yezidi Federation of Europe: Genocide towards Yazidi Kurds must be recognized  
At least ten thousand dead or missing in Sinjar”

DIYARBAKIR-AMED, Turkey's Kurdish region,— Ali Ataman, the co-President of the Yezidi Federation of Europe, who has been in Shingal (Sinjar), said: “the torn clothes, abandoned vehicles, missing bodies, 600 thousand people displaced and ten thousand stranded in the mountains will go down in history as the genocide of the 21st century.” Co-President Leyla Ferman added: "We have learned that 1,500 women and children were abducted. The women are being sold in markets."

Ali Ataman and Leyla Ferman, co-Presidents of the Yezidi Federation of Europe, were speaking at a press conference at the DTK building in Amed (Diyarbakir), having completed their inspections in the region of Iraq which was the scene of ISIS attacks on Yezidi Kurds. Speaking at the press conference, Ataman said they had established that at least ten thousand people had been killed or were missing, calling the situation a genocide.

Iraqi Kurdistan government lacks sensitivity

Ataman emphasised that they were in favour of the Yezidis remaining in their homeland, adding: "In order for this to happen there needs to be an infrastructure. People cannot live in petrol stations, under streetlights or in the mountains. Even if people are determined, women and children have basic needs. We hope that one day everyone will be able to return to Sinjar, but the authorities in South Kurdistan are insensitive, they do not seem to have learned the lesson of these attacks. Instead of trying to win the people over through their leaders, they should provide tents and services for the people.”


Ataman said the aim of ISIS was to exterminate the Yezidis and use fear to drive them from their land. He added that 600 thousand people had been displaced, and abandoned without any nourishment or health care and basic requirements.

If it hadn’t been for the Syrian Kurdistan's YPG hundreds of thousands would have been slaughtered

Ataman continued: "the torn clothes, abandoned vehicles, missing bodies, 600 thousand people displaced and ten thousand stranded in the mountains will go down in history as the genocide of the 21st century. Whatever we do will not be a remedy for these people. The government in South Kurdistan was unable to protect the of Sinjar. But the Yezidis and the other communities say: 'Allah and the YPG saved us'. It is a historical reality that if the YPG had not intervened, hundreds of thousands would have been slaughtered.”

Leyla Ferman condemned ISIS’ attitude to women, saying: "Many people were killed in Sinjar. We have learned that 1,500 women and children were abducted. The women are being sold in markets." It is said they are being sold for between $5 and $20. These IS militants are making money by selling women. For Kurds and Yezidis women are sacred and signify peace. They are trying to break the resistance of the women.”

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