human rights watch

måndag 17 maj 2021

Republican Sen. James Lankford has expressed dissatisfaction with the Iranian regime's insistence on terrorist activities and called on the Biden administration to suspend talks on the Iranian regime's nuclear program.


Republican Sen. James Lankford has expressed dissatisfaction with the Iranian regime's insistence on terrorist activities and called on the Biden administration to suspend talks on the Iranian regime's nuclear program.

Republican Sen. James Lankford has expressed dissatisfaction with the Iranian regime's insistence on terrorist activities and called on the Biden administration to suspend talks on the Iranian regime's nuclear program.

Emphasizing the failure of the nuclear deal signed under Barack Obama, James Lankford predicted on Sunday (May 16th) that any new deal would fail if the Iranian regime insisted on terrorist activities.

Senator James Lankford wrote on his Twitter page: "It is not possible to negotiate with the Iranian regime only about nuclear ambitions without considering terrorist acts." Such an agreement failed under Obama and will continue to fail now.

Earlier, four Republican senators wrote a letter to Biden urging him not to return to the controversial Barjam. (Al-Arabiya Sunday, May 16)

Senator Ted Cruz: Preventing the lifting of sanctions on the Iranian regime, a leader and supporter of terrorism in the world


Iran—the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism—has been supplying Hamas terrorists with the thousands of missiles that are currently being fired at Israel. The Administration must keep sanctions against Iran in place that cut off that support.Senator Ted Cruz tweeted on September 16 that he would join Marco Rubio to prevent the Biden administration from lifting sanctions on the Iranian regime.

"I am proud to join Marco Rubio and my colleagues in this effort to ensure that the United States does not lift sanctions on the Iranian regime, the world leader and sponsor of terrorism," Ted Cruz wrote in the message.

Senator Bill Hegerti wrote in a Twitter message on Friday, May 15: Biden must maintain sanctions against Tehran. Bill Hegerti's message reads:

US President Biden must maintain sanctions against Tehran and acknowledge this historic fact: Maximum pressure, not compromise, provides the best opportunity to force the Iranian regime to either behave naturally as a normal country or with economic collapse. Encounter.

On the same day, Senator Deb Fischer announced that the government must end negotiations with the Iranian regime and must be transparent that it will not lift sanctions and that billions of dollars will not be provided to the Iranian regime. This money will only enable the Iranian regime to increase its support for Hamas and other terrorist organizations that are against our allies.

Senator Mitt Romney also tweeted that the Iranian regime, the world's main sponsor of terrorism, had given thousands of missiles currently being fired at Israel to Hamas. The government must maintain sanctions against the Iranian regime in order to end this support (Mitt Romney tweeted May 15).

In a letter to President Biden on the initiative of Senator Marco Rubio, 44 ​​senators in the United States called for an immediate end to talks with the Iranian regime over continued attacks by Hamas, which is backed by the regime. They said the Biden administration should leave the talks to send a clear message that terrorism is not tolerated by the United States. The state media wrote: 44 Republican senators in the US Congress have written a letter to Biden asking him to stop the talks on reviving the nuclear deal because of the regime's support for Hamas. They called on Biden not to lift the sanctions.

Anthony Blinken told a joint news conference with his Australian counterpart Mariz Payne on Thursday (May 13th) about the role of the clerical regime in the Hamas-Israel conflict. Or destabilizing other countries or other actions that we reject, this further draws our attention to the importance of the fact that the Iranian regime should never acquire nuclear weapons.

The US Secretary of State went on to say that the Iranian regime, which has nuclear weapons or has the capacity to acquire them in a short time, carries out its other activities more safely. So the talks in Vienna are going on in an attempt to return fully to the nuclear deal, and we will continue to do so (C-Spin TV, May 13).

Today I joined 43 of my colleagues in urging President Biden to stand with Israel following the rocket attacks over the past few days.

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