human rights watch

söndag 7 september 2014

Islamic psychopaths terror organization isis occupied Sinjar and Shingal them made pure people murder against Kurdish Yazidi in shengal and Sanjar Islamists may have killed more than 10 thousand Kurdish Yazidi in shengal and Sanjar

Islam is anti-women, anti-freedom, anti-democracy and anti-society.
Islamic psychopaths  terror organization isis occupied Sinjar and Shingal them made pure people murder against Kurdish Yazidi in shengal and Sanjar Islamists may have killed more than 10 thousand Kurdish Yazidi in shengal and Sanjar 
I think that Islam is a disease disgust and very dangerous for those who become infected by Islamic diseases, today we see Islam at war with Islam Shia mote suna and Sune against Shia them kill each other every day, I think it's best to them kill each other because they both become infected by Islamic diseases. 

Is Islam a mental illness? I say yes all Islamists are psychopaths, because Islam is a disgusting disease. Why I say Islam is a mental illness? because I see Islamists kill children and civilians in shengal and called themselves jihadists, Islamists took shengal and Sanjar's people those who became Muslims to survive let those who said no to Islam immediately got killed by Islamists. 
Islam is an effective solid mental illnesses.

Are Islamic terrorists sociopaths?

Terrorists' Mental HealthNo. Sociopathic and psychopathic are badly overused and misunderstood terms. Neither sociopathy or psychopathy requires the person to be a murderer. There are some psychopaths and sociopaths that have never committed a crime in their life. Because of this, they may never have been diagnosed. That isn't very common, but being a criminal isn't part of the definition of psychopathy.
The Islamic terrorists are not sociopaths or psychopaths. Both, by definition, require that the person is antisocial. Members of Islamic terrorist organizations work together to accomplish terrorist acts. A psychopath or sociopath would be unable to work with the other members.
Also, a psychopathic or sociopathic killer kills people either compulsively or because he enjoys it. Islamic terrorists kill for religious reasons. They believe that if they die in a holy war, fighting to promote Islamic religion, they will be guaranteed salvation, regardless of their previous good or bad deeds. They do choose to kill for personal benefit, but they do not enjoy the act of killing. A psychopath or sociopath does not benefit from killing in any way other than enjoyment or satisfying a compulsion.  Another AnswerIn order words, they don't kill for kicks but for a cause.
Having said that, none of us actually knows terrorists, and it's perfectly possible that some of them are killing for confused and mixed motives. I would expect some terrorist organizations to appeal to religious and/or political fanatics and to people with personality disorders.

Another Answer
Sociopathy (previously known as psychopathy) is a mental condition where a conscience (sense of right and wrong) is absent. As the first answer said, the actions a sociopath takes are not necessarily illegal or harmful. They simply act out of a sense of what is best for them, and many of them decide that obeying the law and staying out of jail is the best thing they can do.
Terrorists on the other hand do have a sense of right or wrong. In the case of Islamic terrorists for example, they think the right thing to do is follow the teachings of their extremist religion and execute acts of terrorism.

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