human rights watch

fredag 12 september 2014

Karayılan: The HPG is defending the right to life

Karayılan: The HPG is defending the right to life.

PKK Executive Committee member Murat Karayılan was attending a ceremony at a guerrilla training academy, which began with a commemoration for those who have fallen in the struggle. He spoke in particular about recent attacks on the people of Kurdistan, adding: “There is at present conflict in the Middle East. At the same time the freedom struggle of the people of Kurdistan has entered an historic phase. The people of Kurdistan and other peoples of the region have more need of defence than ever before, as they are under attack from gangs that are aiming to invert our perspective of freedom."

Karayılan added that the HPG had played a major role in preventing a massacre in Sinjar, emphasising that if they had not intervened the gangs might have slaughtered tens of thousands of people there.

'The character of the conflict will develop'

Karayılan said that in order for warfare to be carried on successfully there was a need for expertise and professionalism, and that he was therefore pleased to be present at the ceremony to mark the end of a successful guerrilla training period.

He added: "These academies play an important role in developing guerrillas with expertise and professionalism. They will now be able to play a more successful role in the defence of Kurdistan."

Karayılan stressed that now was the time for concrete steps to be taken towards a solution in North Kurdistan. He added: "Everything that needed to be talked about has been said. Also many things have changed in Turkey. The Presidential elections have taken place. There is a new Prime Minister and government. The AKP is now in charge of everything. Whatever it is going to do it should do now. There is nothing to prevent it taking practical steps. It has not done anything up to now apart from the Framework Law. Even if it is insufficient it has had least given the process a legal footing. Now is the time for practice. If this doesn't happen the process cannot go forward, as the state is continuing to build military bases and dams and prepare for war."

Karayılan continued, mentioning the platform formed by NATO to counter ISIS. He said: "Turkey is one of these ten countries, as it does not want to stay outside in case weapons go to the PKK. New Foreign Minister Çavusoglu let the cat out of the bag when he said they didn't want arms to go to terrorists. But how did weapon get to ISIS? Who armed them? Who provided all manner of support for the liquidation of the Rojava revolution? All these things are now well known. Turkey is now saying: 'weapons must not go to the PKK'. But I thought we were making peace? we had a process of resolution! So why the hostility?"

Our people should construct their own system

"Of course our people should follow what is going on. If we are now demanding that there be mother tongue education in Kurdistan we must make the necessary efforts. There is now a week-long boycott of schools. No one should send their children to school this week and support this campaign".

"There are other tasks as well. Firstly the task of constructing a democratic system. The Kurdish people should govern themselves and do for themselves what needs to be done without waiting for others to do it. It is time for society to take the initiative and take the steps necessary. We are now in an important period where such important tasks await us."

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