human rights watch

onsdag 18 juli 2018

We who work for humanity and human rights support the Iraqi people protest for their rights and their way to a democratic and freedom Iraq in the future. People have the right to protest and be required for their rights

We who work for humanity and human rights support the Iraqi people protest for their rights and their way to a democratic and freedom Iraq in the future.
People have the right to protest and be required for their rights
نحن الذين نعمل من أجل الإنسانية وحقوق الإنسان يدعمون الشعب العراقي احتجاجًا على حقوقهم وطريقتهم نحو ديمقراطية وحرية العراق في المستقبل.
يحق للناس الاحتجاج والمطالبة بحقوقهم

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