human rights watch

lördag 14 juli 2018

You can read how the employment services lie and give false and lying information about me to employers, when I write about today's fascists, I mean such, "because I call the workforce's insult.

You can read how the employment services lie and give false and lying information about me to employers, when I write about today's fascists, I mean such, "because I call the workforce's insult.
Hey!  samuel date 2018.07.02

How long have you worked in the woods? Are you used to dealing with a ,,,,,?
The job will be in ...... starting on Saturday.

Please reply as soon as you are still interested.

Yes yes I'm ready to start working tomorrow I'm used to working.
mvh samuel

Okay that sounds good. da
I'll call you tomorrow at noon. Does it work for you?
I'm fine you can call me when you can I have the phone with me all the time ..
mvh samuel
F Hello again .. I have to talk to the employment office before we will confiscate the book a time for employment.
mvh f
I hello you can make me live in malmö you can talk to the employment office that's okay.
mvh samuel
F Hello Samuel, I am sorry to inform you that we can not hire you because of the information we received from the employment office. We have talked to the employment office if you gave them bad information about you and they said I can not hire you from us.
mvh F
Hi, can you tell me what did the messenger about me say I will not reveal your name I promise you.
mvh samuel
F Hey Samuel Employment Service thinks you can not work you have problems in what way do you have problems the employment agency did not explain ..
mvh f
I thank you for the information
mvh samuel

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